Lovers who made a record by kissing underwater! This is the reason for success

by time news

Kissed out of water for about 4 minutes on Valentine’s Day Lovers They have set a Guinness record.

Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day and many people are celebrating with their lovers. According to this, “Beth Neal” from South Africa and “Miles Cloutier” from Canada are living in South Africa with their daughter.

Both of them locked lips for about 4 minutes and 6 seconds today on Valentine’s Day. the kiss have given

Their feat broke the 13-year-old record of 3 minutes 24 seconds.

The reason for success

Asked a few questions about their record, Beth replied, “I couldn’t catch my breath three days before the record.” To which Miles replied, “We couldn’t reach the record that already exists.” We thought.

But we are beyond all such obstacles love They have said that he is the reason for this success.

The news has gone viral on social media and netizens have congratulated the couple

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