Lowering blood sugar naturally The Doctor

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How to lower sugar naturally? Does lemon lower blood sugar? Which spices reduce sugar? What methods can be used to lower blood sugar naturally? What can people with high blood sugar, diabetes or pre-diabetes do to reduce blood sugar levels?

Methods of lowering blood sugar naturally. Photo: Pixabay NoName_13

The causes of high blood sugar vary. High sugar is caused by a variety of factors starting from certain diseases that raise the sugar, continued medication leading to high sugar, hormonal problems and more. Diagnosing the cause is an important step in the prevention and treatment of the medical condition. Therefore, before we turn to get a solution to high sugar problems through complementary treatments, alternative medicine or natural treatment for sugar or diabetes, it is recommended to contact a specialist doctor for a thorough diagnosis, advice and receiving guidance and treatment recommendations.

Some of the proposed treatments and techniques to lower sugar in natural ways have indeed been proven to help reduce sugar. However, it is important that the patient consults the attending physician and the accompanying dietitian to make sure that the proposed natural treatment is suitable for the patient’s condition and characteristics. Alongside this, there are methods that do not include drugs or substances that are offered to lower sugar naturally but have not been scientifically proven. It is advisable to make sure that, especially with these products and methods, we carefully check the reliability of the solution and consult the attending physician or another expert to make sure that the proposed treatment is suitable and not dangerous or may harm or conflict with the existing treatment.

7 methods of lowering blood sugar naturally

Does cinnamon lower sugar levels? What are the natural treatment methods to lower blood glucose? Does sport lower blood sugar? How to lower sugar naturally without drugs? What natural ways help lower blood sugar?

What are the ways to lower sugar naturally besides using an anti-sugar diet and exercise? Which spice lowers sugar? Below are listed 7 methods to lower blood sugar naturally that you can use with the guidance of your doctor:

  1. Combine herbs, foods and spices to reduce sugar such as fenugreek, cinnamon, turmeric and green tea, lemon and lemon juice.
  2. Increase the consumption of foods that include dietary fiber that reduces blood sugar.
  3. Make sure to drink water frequently and especially before meals.
  4. Reduce mental stress, tension, emotional distress that increases blood sugar.
  5. Do sports regularly during the week about five times for at least 35 minutes.
  6. Maintain a healthy diet is the main natural way to lower blood sugar. It is important to consume foods that lower blood sugar such as sauerkraut, onions, avocados, nuts, cauliflower, quinoa and oats.
  7. Avoid eating foods that increase blood sugar as a natural method to reduce sugar. Thus, you should avoid foods such as white flour, potatoes, processed grains such as white rice, drinks and sugary foods, cakes, cookies, pastries, fried food and foods high in fat and carbohydrates, especially processed carbohydrates. Cut down to a complete stop drinking alcohol.

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