Lucca, the «Fogged» exhibition kicks off: shots on the renewed everyday life from Covid

by time news

The pandemic has changed people’s lives, upsetting habits and perceptions and changing everyday gestures. In this renewed everyday life many wear a pair of glasses that the use of the mask immediately makes it difficult: the lenses fog up preventing you from seeing what a person is in front of. This difficult situation is the starting point for “Appannati”, an artistic project born from an idea of ​​Paola Marchini and Marco Pignatelli, who have created a “widespread” photographic exhibition in the streets of the historic center of Lucca. Twenty shots on display in the windows of a series of city businesses (one shot for each shop), from May 15th until the end of the month, so as to make the interactive and engaging path for commercial spaces, one of the worlds most in difficulty due to the economic effects of the covid emergency.

The window stickers were distributed to the merchants with the QR code that links to the project, with a brief biography of each shot. And which also allows you to visit the widespread exhibition from shop to shop. In the portraits a vision emerges between the descriptive and the pop icon: a set of bright colors that reflects the confidence of a bright future, transforming images apparently of denunciation into symbols of hope, into a positive message of optimism, regained strength and an immediate recovery. . More info on the project on the website

May 15, 2021 | 13:11



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