Lucchini, ‘against violence we need commitment and alliance between women and men’ – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-11-28 17:18:00

Milan, 28 Nov. ( – A constant commitment to “keep attention high beyond the contingency of news cases”, because the fight against gender violence “is a battle of civilization” which must be “for everyone, without political exploitation and without conflict between women and men”. Thus the councilor for Family, Social Solidarity, Disability and Equal Opportunities Elena Lucchini during her information, today at Palazzo Pirelli, in the Chamber of the Regional Council.

If on the one hand the commitment of the institutions and actors involved is certainly important, on the other, observed the representative of the Fontana Council, “this commitment cannot ignore the consolidation of a true collective conscience, capable of not compromising , not to let violence against women go by, in whatever form it manifests itself.” On the other hand, however, Lucchini highlighted, “we must not fall into that misunderstanding which, in a more or less explicit manner, has characterized a certain narrative. There must not be any contrast between women and men, rather we must become aware of how, only with a strong and authentic alliance between all of us, with our respective differences and uniqueness, it will be possible to achieve the real elimination of violence against women. It is a battle of civilization, of an ethical imperative, which, as such, cannot and must not be politicized in any way.”

Currently, the 27 Networks are made up of the Municipalities as leaders, 54 anti-violence centers and 150 shelters and reception homes, as well as a plurality of other subjects who intervene in the creation of women’s paths to escape from the situation of violence. In 2023, Councilor Lucchini recalled, “Lombardy Region has consolidated, implemented and innovated policies to combat violence against women, also in the logic of proximity and integration of services”.

Among the most important innovations introduced are:

– the experimentation aimed at identifying Aler accommodation to be allocated free of charge to women victims of violence and their children, in order to help them complete the path to escape from violence through the reacquisition of true housing autonomy. For this project the Region has allocated a total of 1,500,000 euros;

– the approval of a new protocol with the Milan Bar Association and with the Lombard Union of Bar Associations which sees as an innovative action the extension of free legal aid to cases not currently foreseen by that at the expense of the state and to which region has allocated a total of 300,000 euros;

– the establishment of the new register of anti-violence centers and shelter homes with a view to strengthening the networks and bodies of the Third Sector that operate at a local level to combat violence and to improve the quality of services provided to women and their children.

The current year has also seen the Lombardy Region’s commitment to renewing and improving the policies already implemented in the previous legislature:

– support for the functioning of the inter-institutional anti-violence networks and in particular of the anti-violence centers and shelter homes continued with further important allocations: almost 10 million resources have been allocated in total for the programming currently underway and the same number for the continuation in 2024/2025;

– the 4th tender aimed at the university system was approved to encourage the promotion of a culture of respect and the training of future professionals, with funding for 7 innovative projects for a total of 130,000 euros;

– last November 21, 2023, in continuity with previous years, the task was given to Polis for the continuation of the training of anti-violence networks, socio-health personnel, law enforcement agencies and third sector bodies: in this case the funds allocated amount to 150,000 euros.

Furthermore, the experimental measures already started previously continue and concern:

a) the experimentation managed by Ats Brescia for interventions in favor of minor women victims of violence and minor victims of witnessed violence (total allocation of 550,000 euros) which led to shared guidelines for the care of minors.

b) the experimental measure for the provision of a contribution in favor of orphans due to femicide, orphans due to domestic crimes aged no more than twenty-six (total allocation of 474,449 euros): 22 applications admitted.

c) governance experiments of 9 Asst for innovative projects of territorial value for the integrated care of women victims of violence with/without children (resources allocated amounting to 1,000,000 euros).

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