Lucie Castets advocates for “major tax reform”

by time news

2024-07-28 15:41:35

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“It is also necessary that tax immigrants pay their taxes to the French tax authorities, as Americans do to the American tax authorities”, says exactly what the New Popular Front wants to send to Matignon, in an interview La Tribune Sunday.

The presence of the New Elite continues and signs: if it comes to power, taxes on rich people will indeed increase. In an interview with The Sunday Tribune, Lucie Castets espouses the orientation drawn up in the program of the union of the left, during the legislative election which just passed. And promises a “Major tax reform”.

While some are worried about the tax increase that the left wants in a country that has already been broken by money, the senior civil servant confirmed that he will go. “find tax and social income to the tune of 150 billion euros” by 2027, above all to fund the program of the New Elite Front. Impairment management is not essential: “The NFP does not have the primary objective of respecting the stability and development agreement”, which requires States to keep their budgets under control by reducing their debt, he explained. Anne Hidalgo’s relatives even wanted to hire, on the contrary, a “new conversation” with Brussels on these binding rules. And this, while Paris must present to the European Commission a plan to correct its accounts by September 20 and its room for wisdom is limited to say the least.

Part of the new revenue hope for by the Finance director of Paris city hall will come from a “Major tax reform” to bring state revenue. It will essentially include increasing the number of income tax brackets, from five to fourteen. “For a large proportion of households, this would equate to a tax cut. Tax immigrants must also pay their taxes to the French tax authorities, just as American tax authorities do to American tax authorities., said Lucie Castets. This also considers the return of the ISF, and the expansion of “income tax”, two songs of the New Popular Front. At the same time, it promotes the clarity of the programs “The most expensive” help to businesses, such as “Contributory cuts, which are moderate”.

If you decide to forge “corruption” with other parties in Parliament, if it comes to power, Lucie Castets is more reserved on the thorny issue especially of the 2025 budget. “I’ll try to avoid 49.3 on a budget, but I can’t commit not to use it”, it nuances again. And this, while the New Elite Front wants, in its system, “cancel” This tool was used many times in ancient times.

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#Lucie #Castets #advocates #major #tax #reform

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