Lucilla, the voice most loved by children. One billion views for the queen of baby dance

by time news

Florence, September 25, 2024 – Numbers don’t tell the whole story. Because behind seven hundred thousand followers and beyond one billion views are YouTube there is work, talent and professionalism, which rhyme with Lucilla: indefinite age, very red hair and an overwhelming smile among the distinguishing features, and a single secret, learning while having fun. Thus she conquered the hearts of three generations – grandparents, parents and children – becoming the queen of baby dance; now she is awaited by a new impossible mission at Carrara Paper Mill Theater Of Firenzeon the occasion of the night most feared by children: how will the Sun Fairy defeat the fear of darkness? We tried to ask her.

Lucilla at the Teatro Cartiere Carrara in Florence, where she will perform on Sunday 27 October (photo Gianluca Moggi/New Press Photo)

Monsters, ghosts, vampires and bats: what should we expect for Halloween?

“It’s an amazing show, I’ll be surrounded by mirrors and colors, lights and images, and of course there will be dancers, transformed for the show into witches, zombies, werewolves and other scary creatures…”

Music, fantasy, fun, but also education and sociality…

“Yes, the invitation I would like to extend to the little ones is to overcome fears, anxieties and fragility by learning to know and manage better and better what scares them. And remembering that even ghosts can be afraid!”

It’s not easy to unite three different generations. What’s the secret of your popularity?

“I believe that, net of the numbers on the web, behind which you never know who is really there, the most important value is the direct relationship with families, their feedback is the measure of the success of my work. I love children, baby dance is designed for them, to help them move, relate, activate their mind and body while having fun and learning”.

There is the artist, but also the “nerd”: how useful was your degree in Educational Sciences?

“Studying doesn’t just create skills, it teaches a method. Children can have a range of very different emotional reactions: laughing, crying, being scared. It’s useful to have the right tools to deal with them.”

You are the godmother of Alman Kids with Luli Pampin. A seat for two?

“I know Luli Pampin, we share the same label, and I appreciate her creativity. We have a good personal relationship, but she works a lot in Spain and South America, so we have a hard time meeting.”

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