Luisa’s coin…? – Trade

by time news

2023-08-27 07:05:00

Gold is known as the “currency of God”, because it is demanded and accepted worldwide, it is scarce, it has expired over time, it is not devalued but revalued; it is beyond the reach of politicians; and, since it cannot be printed. The dollar, on the other hand, is not God’s currency, but neither is it the devil’s. The dollar has managed to generate peace of mind in the pockets of Ecuadorians, we feel it as a real, strong and proper currency; He has been the best economy minister, generating economic stability despite the constant political crises.

The candidate of the citizen revolution, with all due respect, with her speeches full of generalities, lacking her own identity and contributions, her main proposal, perhaps advised by the campaign strategists, has been to look back, to the past, to do and repeat what of yesterday, with the support of his main adviser who would be Correa, whose government sees him as an example; that is to say, the State would drive looking at the rear-view mirror…, without realizing that the present is different and the reality is different; that people and especially young people from different social strata – according to the results of the 1st round – do not want confrontation but renewal, long for fresh proposals that look ahead, to the future to advance, regardless of where they look – if that were the case – their parents …

He has hastily indicated that he will not get out of dollarization, while he has committed himself to works everywhere, a discourse that he would surely reinforce in the second half, but in which he would change his strategy, perhaps moving away from the nostalgic and worn “we already did it”, to in order to connect with new voters and, hopefully, with authenticity… For those who think of voting for her, they must ask themselves, where will the resources come from? Of someone else’s, limited and necessary international reserve? More taxes, loans…? from another initiative…? Let us remember, its leader never agreed with dollarization, despite the fact that he had to accept it, weighing heavily on carrying it on his back, since it implied an interference – in his opinion – with “monetary sovereignty”, and it limited his actions, and therefore weakening of control over citizens. Given the enormous economic waste given in said government, the dollar was the prudent straitjacket that prevented spending more; against which and with the difficulty of collecting more taxes and/or obtaining more credits, they devised the “Electronic Currency”, trying to implement a bi-monetarism in the country, which would have sought to gradually displace and replace the dollar, to in order to have a virtual machine that prints fake money, and with it all the very serious economic consequences.

Not only facts speak louder than words, but also intentions; Consequently, if the candidate has indicated that she will do the same, while she will safely continue to commit to more offers, she must remember and bear in mind the latent threat that is “electronic currency”, regardless of the name with which it is intended to be baptized or made up…

#Luisas #coin.. #Trade

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