LuisLuisLuisLuis! Luís Garcia is back to save us

by time news

We have underlying problems that can become structural if we confuse them with their symptoms. A noisy and “apolitical” minority that does not represent us; an absence of leadership that leaves us out in the open; a lack of narrative cause and effect of a foggy identity; an institutional fragility that facilitates constant unfavorable arbitrations. All this, in a social and media context that sees us as a nuisance and wishes for our disappearance.

We have all these viruses and we will only survive if we manage to eliminate them. The symptom, the fever, manifests itself in the form of possible descent. Viruses cause fever, but we can’t beat them in a few weeks: we can only lower the fever. Once saved, it will be necessary to go to the causes. At the moment, painkillers and antihistamines. For now, Luis García.

Luis García is a legend of Espanyol. He was present at the three miraculous salvations. In the last game against Murcia (playing for the opposing team and smashing a ball into the crossbar that sent us to Segona). That of Pochettino (“you’ll think I’m crazy” from who is now his representative Iván de la PeñaI). That of Coro’s goal. He has been part of a group with his own name named by Eudald Serra and company: “Els tres taurons” with Tamudo and lo Plate. The three of them produced and scored almost all the goals in the final against Zaragoza. The three of them shared tears on the way back from Glasgow. The three met again yesterday at the presentation of the new coach.

Luis García is a parakeet for the same reason that Lluís Cabrera explains why he is Catalan: by choice. Not by birth, not by chance. After having known many cities and many clubs it was clear: Espanyol was his home. And to underline it, a slogan was invented at the height of our best publicists: “The best thing about Barcelona is being from Espanyol” (which takes on its full meaning with the still non-normative “lo”).

Now he is back to save us. There are eleven games left and a few hours ago we all met in Segona. His arrival has given us hope and excitement. He is one of our own and those who have followed his short coaching career say he is good. It must be a new Pochettino who ends up becoming our Simeone. On Saturday, against Athletic Bilbao, we will all remember and shout his name. Because he, like all modern football legends, has a rallying cry: LuisLuisLuisLuis!

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