Lula says he doesn’t want ‘Armed Forces fighting in Rio’s favela’

by time news

2023-10-27 22:02:49

Photo: Tânia Rêgo/ Agência Brasil

Rio de Janeiro faces serious security problems

At a breakfast with journalists at Palácio do Planalto, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) made a statement this Friday (27) emphasizing that he does not intend to sign decrees to “guarantee law and order” (GLO) while in office. The reason, according to him, is his desire not to see Armed Forces soldiers working to repress crime in the favelas.

Lula’s statement comes after the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Cláudio Castro, requested federal support to combat militias and organized crime in the state. The PT member highlighted that he does not intend to intervene in the Armed Forces and that their role will be directed towards logistical support.

“This week, I had a meeting with the three commanders of the Armed Forces and the minister [da Defesa] José Múcio to discuss their participation in Rio de Janeiro. I don’t want the Armed Forces in the favelas fighting with criminals. That is not the role of the Armed Forces and, as long as I am president, there is no GLO”, said the president.

“I was elected to govern this country and I will govern this country. What I determined is that the Air Force can reinforce policing at airports; the Navy, at Brazilian ports,” he added.

Instead of using the military in the favelas, the president mentioned the possibility of directing Navy and Air Force personnel to reinforce inspection at the state’s ports and airports. In this way, the government is looking for a way to contribute to public security in Rio de Janeiro without directly involving the Armed Forces in operations to combat crime in the communities.

“I think the word intervention is not the most correct. What we are doing is trying to show Brazilian society that the military is not better than the civilian, and the civilian is not better than the military. That they are both Brazilian, they are subordinate to a Constitution, each institution has its function”, he said.

“What happened recently with January 8th was a deviation, due to the existence of a ruler who knew how to do everything except govern. That he thought he could use institutions as his instrument to carry out politics. That there was nothing republican in his head” he continued.

Lula reinforced his commitment to an approach that avoids militarization in urban areas, directing efforts to areas of specific competence of the Armed Forces, such as security at ports and airports.

“Because at airports, the drugs and things that are smuggled are kilos. On ships, they are tons, they are containers. We will help. Not even the Federal Police have to play a role that belongs to the state police. The PF has to help by investing in intelligence, detecting and arresting people. But we are not going to carry out any intervention like what was done a short time ago, when a fortune was spent on the Army in Rio de Janeiro and nothing was resolved”, he concluded.

#Lula #doesnt #Armed #Forces #fighting #Rios #favela

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