Lula says PT’s 13-year-old project was destroyed in the last 6 years

by time news

Lula participated in the PT anniversary event

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva participated, this Monday (13), in an event dedicated to the 43rd anniversary of the Workers’ Party, of which he is affiliated.

During his speech, the head of the Federal Executive returned to attack the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), as well as the two years in which Michel Temer headed the Executive.

“Everything we did in 13 years of PT government was destroyed in 6 years after the coup and after the four-year term of office of the genocidal general, who will have to be judged by the number of people who died innocently in this country”, he said.

Afterwards, he got emotional, changed his tone of voice and received a standing ovation when he commented on which version of him will exercise his third term at the helm of Brazil.

“This Lula who came today is the Lula who went hungry and who ate bread for the first time at the age of seven. This Lula came with you to change this country and not allow another child to die of hunger”, he emphasized. .

The event took place in an auditorium at the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center, and was attended by Dilma Rousseff (PT), governors, ministers, senators and deputies.

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