Lula will renegotiate positions with União Brasil and PP

by time news
Reproduction / CNN Brazil – 20.02.2023


President Luiz Inacio Lula
da Silva (PT) has already informed interlocutors that he will call the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira
and the former governor of Bahia, ACM Neto
to renegotiate positions with the PP
e União Brasil
. The petista wants to have the federation of the two acronyms with Avante in the governing base and knows that he will need to allocate names of the three acronyms in his ministries.

The initial idea of ​​the head of the Federal Executive is to offer second and third-rank positions. However, there is also the possibility of chair dancing in ministries. The federation that will be formed has the Health area as its main target. On the other hand, the country’s representative has no intention of dismissing minister Nísia Trindade.

If he touches on ministries, Lula will offer the Communications sector, currently with Juscelino Filho, and Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, occupied by Geraldo Alckmin (PSB). The president has some justifications for not fearing changes in the two portfolios.

The Chief Executive did not like the scandal that Juscelino was involved in. Despite using the thesis that he will talk to the minister and give him the chance to prove he is innocent, the petista confessed to allies that it is very bad for the government to face crises due to the irresponsibility of someone who does not even have that much political influence. In addition, the União Brasil has given more headache than help to the governing base.

The possible departure of Alckmin from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services is due to the partnership created between the former governor and the current president. Geraldo has complete confidence that he will remain a protagonist and that he understands the need for the government to have compositions.

PP and União Brasil will evaluate positions

At this moment, the PP federation, União Brasil and Avante are interested in being part of Lula’s government. However, the three parties do not want areas in which ministers are only supporting.

There is promise of hardening in the negotiations and that Lula will need to be very skillful to convince them to accept only second- and third-rank positions.

However, before the talks take place, the three parties aim to end the negotiations and officially formalize the federation.

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