Lunar calendar 2023 – 2024 — idealista/news

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2023-11-03 15:08:09

The German physicist Albert Einstein spoke of the moon as something permanent, which does not disappear even when you do not look at it; The earthly satellite is not unalterable or static, but rather goes through certain phases that make it appear as one of the most surprising space elements.

Curiously, there are multiple beliefs linked to this satellite, such as that, if it is in the full moon phase, it is easier for your hair to grow. Although there is no scientific evidence to support these data, there is something proven and with valid arguments: the different lunar phases that the satellite passes through over the months.

Lunar calendar January 2024

According to the lunar calendar for january 2024the satellite will follow the following trend:

January begins with the moon in the first quarter, which reaches its maximum on the 2nd The new moon occurs on the 9th The moon wanes to the last quarter on the 17th The full moon occurs on the 24th The month ends with the moon in the first quarter again, reaching its maximum on the 31st

Additionally, in January there are two “special” moons:

The first full moon of the year is called wolf moon, because according to some traditions, wolves howl more during this time of year. It is also known as cold moon or snow moondue to the low temperatures and precipitation that usually occur in the northern hemisphere. On Wednesday, January 18, a phenomenon called lunar parallax, since this is when the moon appears to be closer or farther than normal, depending on the observer’s position on Earth. This is because the moon does not orbit around the center of the planet, but around a point called the barycenter, which is displaced about 4,700 km from the Earth’s center.

Lunar calendar February 2024

He lunar calendar for february 2024 is the following:

The month begins on Thursday, February 1, with a new moon that will be 0% illuminated. On February 9, there will be a super new moon, which is when the moon is closest to Earth and appears larger and brighter. On the 24th February there will be a full micromoonwhich means that the moon is further from the Earth and appears smaller and dimmer On February 28 there will be a waning crescent moon, which occurs when the moon is 25% illuminated and is seen in the shape of C On February 29 February will appear blue Moon, which is the second full moon in the same month. This moon is a rare phenomenon that only occurs every two or three years. The last time there was a blue moon It was in October 2020.

Lunar calendar March 2024

In March 2024, we find the following phases:

On March 10 there will be a super new moonwhich means that the moon is closer to the Earth and coincides with the new moon phase. On March 25 there will be a full micromoon, that is, the moon is farther from the Earth and coincides with the full moon phase. day March 25 there will be a penumbral lunar eclipsewhich occurs when the moon passes through the Earth’s partial shadow and darkens slightly

Lunar calendar April 2024

According to the lunar calendar, in the month of April 2024 the following will occur:

New Moon: On April 8, 2024 there will be a new moon, which is when the moon is completely dark and cannot be seen from Earth. This new moon will also be a supermoon, meaning the moon will be closer to Earth and appear larger and brighter.Crescent: On April 15, 2024full moon: On April 23, 2024 there will be a full moon, which is when the moon is 100% illuminated and is seen as a circle from Earth. This full moon will also be a pink moonwhich is the name given to the first full moon of spring.last quarter: On April 30, 2024 there will be a last quarter, 50% illuminated

May 2024 lunar calendar

In the month of greatest we can observe the following designated dates of the lunar calendar:

The new moon will take place on Thursday, May 9. The full moon of May 2024 will be on Thursday, May 23. The waxing and waning quarters will be on Thursday, May 16 and Friday, May 31, respectively.

Lunar calendar June 2024

According to him lunar calendar for June 2024the new moon will be on the 6th, the waxing moon on the 14th, the full moon on the 22nd and the waning moon on the 30th. Some of the most notable moons are:

Strawberry Moon: It is the name given to the full moon in June in some cultures, such as North America. This moon is so named because it coincides with the strawberry harvest season. Annular Solar Eclipse: It is a type of solar eclipse in which the moon comes between the sun and the Earth, but does not completely cover it, leaving a ring of light around it. This eclipse can only be seen from some regions of the world. The Annular Solar Eclipse will occur on Thursday, June 9, coinciding with the New Moon.

Lunar calendar July 2024

The lunar calendar for July 2024 shows that we will have:

fairy moon: This new moon occurs on July 6.Deer Moon: This full moon occurs on July 21. It receives this name because it is the time when deer antlers begin to grow. It is also known as the thunder moonthe hay moon o to moon of blessing.rebirth moon: This moon occurs on July 30 and is the second new moon of the month, which is known as a black moon. It is a rare phenomenon that occurs approximately every 29 months.

Lunar calendar August 2024

In August 2024 we will be able to observe:

New Moon: On day 4, with 0% lightingCrescent: On the 12th, with 50% lightingfull moon: On the 19th, with 100% lightinglast quarter: On the 26th, with 50% lighting

This month’s full moon is called sturgeon moonbecause according to some Native American tribes, it was the time when sturgeon were easiest to catch in the Great Lakes.

The new moon usually coincides with the beginning of the Perseid meteor showeralso known as the tears of Saint Lawrencebecause it is believed that they are the sparks of the fire in which this saint was martyred on August 10, 258.

September 2024 lunar calendar

The lunar phases for September 2024 are as follows:

New Moon: On September 4, the moon will be completely dark with a luminosity of 0%Crescent: On September 11 the moon will be exactly half illuminated, with 50% luminosityfull moon: On September 18 we will observe the moon completely bright, with a luminosity of 100%Last quarter: On September 26, the moon will be half illuminated, with 50% luminosity

September will have two important moons:

The full supermoon on September 18 It will be the largest and brightest of the year, since the moon will be at its closest point to Earth. Additionally, this full moon will coincide with a partial lunar eclipse, which means that the Earth’s shadow will cover part of the lunar surface, creating a reddish effect. Harvest Moon September 17. It is the name given to the full moon closest to the autumn equinox. This moon is characterized by rising shortly after sunset, which makes it appear larger and orange than normal. Its name comes from the tradition of farmers harvesting their crops under the light of this moon.

Lunar calendar October 2024

He lunar calendar october 2024 shows that there will be:

New Moon. On day 2, the moon will be completely dark with a luminosity of 0%. This phase is also known as a micro new moon, since the moon will be at the farthest point from Earth in its orbit.Crescent quarter. On the 10th, the moon will be exactly half illuminated, with 50% luminosity. This phase marks the beginning of the moon’s growth towards the full moon.Full moon. On the 17th, the moon will be completely illuminated, with a luminosity of 100%. This phase is also known as a super full moon, as the moon will be at the closest point to Earth in its orbit. The full moon in October is also called the hunter’s moon, since it was the time when ancient hunters took advantage of the moonlight to hunt before winter.last quarter. On the 24th, the moon will be half illuminated again, with 50% luminosity. This phase marks the beginning of the waning of the moon towards the new moon.

Lunar calendar November 2024

Las lunar phases for November 2024 are the following:

full moon: On Friday, November 1, the moon will be aligned with the sun and will not be visible from Earth. This will be the first full moon after the autumn equinox and is known as the harvest moon.Crescent: On Saturday, November 9, the moon will be a quarter of its orbit around the Earth and will show half illuminated and half darkNew Moon: November 16 will be the first new moon of the month and is called a dark moonlast quarter: On Monday, December 30, the moon will be three-quarters of its orbit around the Earth and will show one half illuminated and the other half dark.

Lunar calendar December 2024

Las lunar phases for December 2024 are the following:

On day 1, the moon will be in new phase with 0% illumination. Day 8, the moon will be in concave crescent phase with 25% illumination. Day 15, the moon will be in full phase with 100% illumination. On the 23rd, the moon will be in a concave waning phase with 25% illumination. On the 30th, the moon will be in a new phase with 0% illumination.

On the 15th there will be a Geminid meteor shower that can be observed from Spain. It is one of the most intense and spectacular showers of the year, with a frequency of up to 120 meteors per hour.

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