Lung cancer in Mexico: Center of Excellence opens for its detection

by time news

2023-11-24 18:00:17

He lung cancer in Mexico It is a serious public health problem. Not only because the number of cases is increasing but also the number of deaths. In part everything has been generated because most of the time the diagnosis is made when the tumor is in advanced stages.

Against this background, during this month of November six new Centers of Excellence in Timely Diagnosis of Lung Cancer in Latin America. With this, they become a key piece for the early detection and possible timely treatment of this neoplasm that affects more than 324,000 people in the region and claims the lives of 65,000 people.

Where are they located?

The centers are distributed in Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico and are the product of an alliance between AstraZeneca, the Latin American Thoracic Association (ALAT), the Latin American Consortium for Lung Cancer Research (CLICaP) and The Lung Ambition Alliance Latin America.

The early detection of lung cancer It is a priority in the region. This type of tumor, considered the most lethal on the planet by World Health Organization (WHO), is usually detected late in 85% of patients in Latin America. Currently, the five-year survival rate is 18%, but if it is identified in the early stages it increases significantly to 56%.

In this regard, Dr. Alberto Hegewisch, Medical Director of AstraZeneca Latin America, mentioned that this type of alliance seeks to strengthen the bridge between biopharmaceutical companies and non-profit associations that are focused on timely care and detection.

“Among our priorities to promote access to health systems is the promotion of these Centers of Excellence for Timely Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, as well as continuing to implement multidisciplinary programs and actions.”

The six new Centers of Excellence in Timely Diagnosis of Lung Cancer in Latin America that begin operations are part of the efforts of different organizations to facilitate care and early detection of this condition. The six centers will provide services to patients from four countries across the continent, thus consolidating a crucial network to combat this condition more effectively.

Lung cancer is the deadliest tumor in Mexico

Currently the lung cancer in Mexico It ranks as the seventh most frequent; however, it is the most lethal. Every year it causes the death of about eight thousand people.

For its part, during 2021 in Argentina, 8,863 deaths from lung cancer were recorded. Meanwhile, in Colombia it is estimated that approximately 9.2 deaths occur each year per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the Pan American Journal of Public Health.

For his part, Dr. Luis Corrales, Medical Oncologist of the Latin American Thoracic Association, commented that it is very important to continue promoting multidisciplinary management for the care of lung cancer. That is why actions are generated that are useful to obtain timely diagnoses.

Finally, Dr. Sergio Benítez of the Latin American Consortium for Lung Cancer Research (CLICaP) and the Center for Respiratory Medicine of Bariloche, assured that this type of projects are relevant because various studies show that, if the tumor is detected in stages early, in 70% of cases the response to treatment can be favorable.

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