Luxuria: ”La Russa homophobic? Absolutely not, I don’t feel like condemning him”

by time news

in Russia homophobic? Absolutely notI got to know him and he absolutely didn’t seem like a homophobic or trans homophobic person”. Vladimir Luxuria contacted by does not hear of condemn the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa for his statements made during the broadcast ‘beasts’ about the displeasure he would feel if his son told him he is gay. For Luxuria, the fact that La Russa is the second state official means nothing: ”That was one intimate question – he says – perhaps Ignazio should have specified that his would have been a momentary displeasure, that this displeasure must be elaborated and transformed into the pleasure of having a sincere son. Maybe he could better argue his claims instead of trivializing them – explains Luxuria – making the comparison with his own football faith but I do not want
politically exploit his claims because it is but a parent who votes the Pd he would have necessarily had a different reaction”. However, Luxuria is keen to underline that ”a father is not a photocopier who must satisfy the narcissistic desire to have children identical to himself’. A parent must love his child as he is and must put it into his head that children must also accept some peculiarities of their fathers. You can have several different sexual orientations between father and sons – explains Luxuria – different political, religious and even football faiths. My paternal grandfather also had a bust of Mussolini but I never thought of keeping it because if I don’t agree with Mussolini I don’t keep his bust. Ignazio made a different choice and I think that his son too will have accepted his father’s decision. The biggest sorry – adds Luxuria – is hiding and thinking of causing displeasure. Even my father didn’t uncork a bottle of champagne when he learned of my sexual orientation – he says – but then he elaborated this displeasure and is now my greatest defender. The displeasure must be processed by the father – continues Luxuria – otherwise he will weigh on the son making him feel complexed ”, she concludes.

(at Alisa Toaff)

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