“Lynching against me to cover up the negligence of others. My life destroyed »- time.news

by time news
from Margherita De Bac

The former deputy director of the WHO, investigated by the Bergamo prosecutor for the management of the emergency, in a book rejects the accusations: “The pandemic plan was from 2006 but it was still judged valid in 2016 and I left a note to update it “

Ranieri Guerra, former deputy director of the World Health Organization, former of the Technical-Scientific Committee, what are you doing now?

«I collaborate with the national medical academy, an association active in the field of scientific dissemination. I momentarily got married here. I live between Genoa and Rome ».

Is your history with the WHO closed?
«Our relations ended on June 30 for the end of the contract. I am starting to be of a certain age, for three years I had been working for them with a term relationship. Okay so, no regrets ».

He left because he was involved in the investigation of the
Prosecutor of Bergamo,

where is he being investigated for perjury in a strand of the investigation into the management of the Covid emergency?

“No, the contract was over.”

What is its position?

“I have not the foggiest idea. I made my testimony on November 5, 2020 as a person informed of the facts and I was entered in the register of suspects. The magistrates drew up a letter of rogatory sent to Geneva, WHO headquarters, of which I did not know the content. After three months, Geneva replied. Now I expect the Prosecutor to rob my position ».

On 5 October his book «Lies, truths, manipulations» will be released, published by Piemme. Why did he write it?

“I suffered violent attacks for alleged negligence, wheno between 2014 and 2017 I was director of prevention at the Ministry of Health, on the failure to update the Panflu pandemic plan dated 2006. I was then suspected of having tried to cover up the evidence with pressure on the former official of the WHO office in Venice, Francesco Zambon, my main accuser. I would have tried to postpone the actuality of the plan to 2016. With the book I tried to overturn the current narrative about myself after having been authorized by Geneva to disclose a series of information documenting the reality of the facts “.

Has your professional life been ruined?

“They tried. Everyone reacts as he can. There are those who kill themselves. I have dedicated myself to putting in place the cards to go on the counterattack. Now
I have 3 complaints and some compensation cases that will be discussed in court on December 10th».

Are his private affairs more painful?

“While I was being subjected to media lynching, during the pandemic I lost my mother, Aida, who died in time.news at the age of 92 in hospital, perhaps for having caught Covid during hospitalization. My partner Clara was infected, now after months she suffers from long Covid and is under constant control. She barely left. I personally took care of it thanks to the advice of many colleagues ».

His grandchildren saw his grandfather painted as a monster. Their reaction?

“The two eldest, 9 years old, sat in front of the television when there were programs about me, as many as 22 spaces dedicated to my story, and threw anathemas”.

You are a surgeon, have you ever exercised?

“In the beginning, then I was involved in public health. The son of a policeman and a housewife, I was born in Fabriano while my father went up the peninsula and tried to return to serve in Verona, his city. My childhood was simple. At 25 I decided to go to work in Africa even though I could have stayed comfortably in Verona. My three children thought I was some kind of secret agent because everywhere I went something terrible was happening. Epidemics, attacks, sieges, wars. I saw hell without knowing that the real one was yet to arrive in Italy. I still have an elderly aunt, a cousin and my love for the Arena from my origins ».

Do you regret having left the Congo to be sent to Rome as a link between WHO and Italy?

“No, when the director Tedros Ghebreyesus called me, I made myself available. I took up service in Rome on 11 March 2020 as special adviser. I did my best. I paid dearly for it, a piece of my life ».

The Panflu was 14 years old and she should have upgraded it. Why not do it?

«Before leaving in 2017 I had left precise deliveries and a plan ready to be activated in an emergency (read here the plan updated in 2020). It is a mystery that the negligence has all been attributed to me. In 2016, the pandemic plan was re-read and still considered adequate by a series of colleagues from the ministry “.

The prosecutor does not think so …

“Those who claim that Italy faced Covid without a plan are lying. At the beginning of 2020 there was a plan, it was fully valid and contained always effective, universal preparation and containment actions. Among other things, it prescribed a moratorium on mass demonstrations. Why was the Atalanta-Valencia match with 36 thousand fans not applied and allowed to be played on February 19, 2020, 3 weeks after the declaration of a state of emergency? It would also have been possible to buy masks instead of donating them to China, to make Rsa and hospitals safe ».

Who wanted to eliminate it?

«A convergence of interests. On the one hand, those who in Italy wanted to cover who should have updated the pandemic plan in 2018-2019. On the other hand, those who had an interest in getting out of the way to have direct relations with the WHO headquarters in Geneva instead of talking to me, and I am referring to the director of the European region Hans Kluge “

As if that were not enough, Chievo, his favorite team, disappeared from the championships after the decision of the Fgci to suspend it for alleged tax irregularities.

“Yeah, I also lost Chievo.”

October 3, 2021 (change October 3, 2021 | 21:13)

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