M5s, assembly of deputies on the Quirinale: “Give full mandate to Conte”. But even in Montecitorio there are those who ask for the Mattarella-bis

by time news

The assembly of M5s deputies, strictly on Zoom, it was only the anticipation of the joint meeting with the senators and Giuseppe Conte on Wednesday 12 January. But it is important to feel the mood and smell the climate in view of the increasingly imminent vote for the Colle. The appeal of the parliamentarians closer to the 5-star president it was clear: now more than ever it is necessary to “give full mandate to Giuseppe Conte”In negotiations with other parties to identify the ideal candidate for the Quirinale. A request that the former premier made personally last week, after the senators took a step forward by asking instead that they stand for a Mattarella-bis, forcing the leaders to take a stand.

Also tonight, spokesmen for the call for unity were some “Contian” parliamentarians who asked for “compactness” to give strength to the Movement and “to our leader to be able to represent and bring a compact vote to a vote”. In the meeting, opened by the group leader Davide Crippa which would have ensured the maximum involvement of parliamentarians in the choice of the candidate, some deputies, including Aldo Pennacreated a group with group leaders and deputies for constant updating“. “Tomorrow let’s listen to him and give him full mandate” was the appeal launched by whom he also criticized the senators’ pro-Mattarella appeali using a method that, among other things, “weakens the role of the M5s leader”. But the pushes for the 5 stars to become the promoters of the proposal for Mattarella’s encore are not only in Palazzo Madama. Even among M5s deputies the appeal for an encore by Sergio Mattarella rises. 5 or 6 interventions in the assembly would already have been in favor of requesting another mandate from the head of state: “We need a guarantee figure, we need Mattarella”, was the meaning of the interventions, according to what those attending the meeting reported.

Among the interventions there was also that of the deputy Vincenzo Spadafora, who asked his followers not to settle too much on the line that the Democratic Party will choose. “It should not be the Democratic Party to tell us who we should vote: if they mention names that we don’t like, we have to say it”, he detot. that only a few can negotiate, provided, however, that a shared line is followed“. Knowing, for example, that if the name for the Colle was that of Mario Draghi the risk would be that of “going to early voting”. The conclusion of the assembly fell to the group leader Crippa who defended his fellow senators: “The Senate did not bring out ad hoc agencies, the Senate assembly was very important. They identified a guarantee name, ”he said according to the time.news agency. And he also calmed the minds regarding the risk of early voting: “For another government it would take too long,” he said.

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