M5s, Di Maio: “Movement dead? They have been saying it for 10 years. Our political weight derives from popular support, not from the statute”

by time news

“The political weight of a Movement like ours derives from popular support, not by the rules of a statute. Who rejoices for the provision of Court of Naples has not yet understood this concept. Politics goes beyond technical issues ”. At the end of a difficult week for the 5 Star Movement, with the suspension of the statute by the court of Naples last Monday, Luigi Di Maio chooses to take a stand with a post on facebook to defend the Movement. Intervention not taken for granted, given the tense relationship with Giuseppe Conte, whose leadership is formally “frozen” by the ruling of the judge. But if at the end of the match of the Quirinale it was precisely the foreign minister a launch a public accusation to the president, this time Di Maio keeps out of his text any reference to the leader and uses clear words to ensure that this affair it must not have repercussions on the “weight” of the Movement on a political level. “To who says we’re dead – Di Maio continues – we reply by saying to join those who have been repeating it for 10 years. We move forward. The appointments that await us are very important, we must work towards these goals in a compact manner, strengthened by the plurality of ideas existing in the Movement and in support of the new course “. A cohesion speech, which comes one week after the minister’s resignation from the Movement’s guarantee committee, “because – he said – I want to have the freedom to say what doesn’t work”. Choice that was welcomed by Conte as “a step back due“.

Saturday already Roberto Fico, the Speaker of the Chamber, who has always been loyal to Conte, had guaranteed the “solid” leadership of the movement of the former premier. Di Maio he never names Contebut in his post he appeals to the Movement to move forward: “These have been difficult days, but they must neither bring us down nor slow down our innovative action. Legal actions are always legitimate, but certainly we cannot be discouraged“. The wish of Beppe Grillo, in recent days in Rome to bring harmony back to the pentastellate galaxy, today it becomes more concrete. And also the Minister of Agriculture Stefano Patuanelli, head of the M5s delegation to the government, pushes on pride and compactness. “It seems to me that the strategy is now clear: everyone against the movement. If the electoral campaign has already begun, they just need to tell us ”.

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