M5S, filed the appeal to have the suspension of the statute revoked: “The regulation that excludes new members has existed since 2018”

by time news

What thetime.news from qualified sources, “the appeal for the revocation of the precautionary measure“With which on February 7 the Court of Naples has suspended effectiveness changes to the statute of the 5 Star Movement and the consequent election of Giuseppe Conte as president. The appeal is based on Article 669-million of the code of civil procedure, according to which “the investigating judge of the case on the merits may, at the request of a party, modify or revoke the precautionary measure by order (…) if changes in circumstances occur or if previous facts of which knowledge was acquired after the precautionary measure “.

In this case, the new evidence on which the lawyers are pointing is the exchange of emails between Vito Crimi and Luigi Di Maio (of which ilfattoquotidiano.it anticipated the existence) which demonstrate – according to the M5S – as the regulation of the guarantee committee that excludes from the assembly the registered for less than six months was in effect since November 2018contrary to what is stated in the ordinance, which ordered the suspension of the statute because “the meeting of August 3, 2021 was called with the exclusion of those registered for less than six months (…) in the absence of a” regulation adopted by the Guarantee Committee, on the proposal of the Steering Committee “.

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