M5s, the members approved the “suspended” statute again with over 90% of the yes

by time news

The members of the 5 Star Movement approved the statute again after 34,040 members had voted in a first vote on Thursday. Quorum was not reached. On Friday the consultation was attended by 38,735 people with a very clear majority of Yes (35,176, equal to 90.81%) while the no were 3,559 (9.19%). Thanks to this vote – reads the Movimento website – “the Statute of the 5 Star Movement is approved, in the version approved on 2/3 August 2021updated with the changes requested by the Statutes Guarantee Commission “.

L’telematic assembly of the members of the 5 Star Movement – call to vote on the amendments to the Statute approved in summer 2021 e suspended as a precaution by the Court of Naples on 7 February last – was held on the SkyVote platform. The first item on the agenda reads “repetition of the shareholders ‘meeting resolution adopted on 2/3 August 2021 concerning “the proposal to amend the Articles of Association and simultaneous revocation of the shareholders’ meeting resolution of February 17, 2021”, for the purpose of its confirmation / validation“. They are again allowed to vote only those registered for more than six months“Challenging” the ordinance that had considered this limitation illegitimate because it was disposed “in the absence of a regulation adopted by the Guarantee Committee, on the proposal of the Steering Committee”, as required by the old statute.

In the aftermath of the judicial earthquake, however, the former regent of the Movement Vito Crimi had argued that that regulation existed sinceNovember 8, 2018when it would be approved through one exchange of mails between Luigi Di Maio – then political leader, that is the body equivalent to the Steering Committee – and Crimi himself, then president of the Guarantee Committee. On the other hand, the existence of that act was mentioned in it convocation (dated July 17, 2021) of the shareholders’ meeting of August 2 and 3, following the practice adopted in all other cases. And confirmed also on this occasion: “Only those registered for at least six months will be able to vote as per Regulations adopted by the Guarantee Committee on November 8, 2018 ″, reads the notice signed by Crimi and Paola Taverna.

However, the 2018 regulation had never been produced by the Movement in the lawsuit filed in Naples by three members (Renato Delle Donne, Steven Brian Hutchinson and Liliana Coppola) to have the changes to the Statute canceled and the subsequent appointment of Conte as president. Therefore, when the party asked for the revocation of the order suspension under Article 669-million of the code of civil procedure (which allows it “if there are changes in circumstances or if previous facts of which knowledge has been acquired after the precautionary measure are attached”) the judge rejected the application because the deed had to be understood “knownor whatever definitely knowable, since its adoption “. But he did not enter into the merits of the validity or otherwise of the regulation, which allows the M5s to reconvene the vote on that basis. The assembly will also have to express its opinion on the amendments to the Statute regarding internal democracy required by Guarantee fee of the statutes – a body composed of five magistrates based in the Chamber – in order to register the M5s al register of political partiesnecessary step to access the electoral reimbursements the 2xthousandapproved by the base last November.

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