On the 29th, President Tsai Ing-wen launched the “Democratic Partners for Common Prosperity Journey”. He stopped in New York, then went to Guatemala and Belize to visit two friendly countries, and returned to Los Angeles. He is expected to meet with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy. ; Former President Ma Ying-jeou also embarked on a “ancestor worship and peace tour” in China. Some media called these two visits “Shuangying duel.” In this regard, Akio Yata, a senior Japanese media person, said that seeing their speeches during their visits abroad, the contents of their claims are very different, forming a sharp contrast.

Yaba Akio pointed out in a post on Facebook that Tsai Ing-wen positioned this visit as a “Journey of Democracy Partners for Common Prosperity”. When she meets McCarthy in the United States, she will emphasize that “countries with universal values ​​of democracy, freedom and universal values ​​unite together.” against totalitarianism”. However, in China, Ma Ying-jeou emphasized “nationalism”, and it was Chinese nationalism.

Akio Yabata continued to point out that Ma Ying-jeou wrote “Peaceful Struggle, Rejuvenate China” in the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, and at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, he also said that “history must never be forgotten” and “all Chinese should learn from this period of history. Learn lessons from the past, become self-reliant, and bravely resist external bullying.” This view of history is highly consistent with the populism advocated by the current Xi Jinping regime. Ma Ying-jeou’s “self-reliance and self-improvement” alludes to Taiwan’s “should not rely on the United States.” It also has an insinuating meaning to Tsai Ing-wen’s visit to the United States.

Akio Yatata mentioned that Ma Ying-jeou visited the archives in Wuhan on the 30th. When he saw the various “achievements” of China’s epidemic prevention under the command of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping, he even praised “Wuhan’s epidemic prevention is a contribution to mankind.” This way of discourse may be in line with the appetite of the CCP, but in the hearts of ordinary people in Taiwan, it is absolutely unacceptable. No wonder Wang Bisheng, commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, said bluntly that he “only knows that this is a catastrophe for mankind!”

Akio Yabata, because the Wuhan epidemic has not been brought under control, 700 million people worldwide have been infected and more than 7 million people have died. The whole world’s account has not been settled with China, so Ma Ying-jeou went to endorse China. His set of words is obviously catering to China. The “Shuangying duel” has become a duel between “democracy” and “nationalism”. Which one do Taiwanese people agree with more? it goes without saying.