Maariv poll: If Bibi supports Shaked, his bloc will win and reach a record number

by time news

18 days to the elections for the 25th Knesset: A survey conducted by the ‘Panels Politics’ institute led by Menachem Lazar, published this morning (Friday) in ‘Maariv’ shows that after Netanyahu’s bloc received 61 mandates last week, it dropped to 60 this week. This, following the strengthening of Yesh Atid’s mandate at the expense of religious Zionism.

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The Jewish Home led by Ayelet Shaked has strengthened according to the survey to 3 mandates, but it is still below the blocking percentage.

However, if Binyamin Netanyahu comes out with a call to vote for the Jewish Home, according to the poll, the list will pass the blocking percentage and the bloc led by Netanyahu will then have a majority of 62 MKs.

According to the survey, if the elections were held today, the Likud would receive 32 mandates – similar to the previous survey, there is a future with 24 mandates, an increase of one mandate from Maariv’s previous survey. Religious Zionism dropped in the survey from 14th to 13th.

In the rest of the lists there is no change in the picture of the mandates compared to the ‘Maariv’ survey conducted last week: the state camp led by Benny Gantz, Gideon Sa’ar and Gadi Eisenkot – 12, Shas led by Aryeh Deri – 8, Torah Judaism led by Moshe Gafni – 7, Yisrael Beitanu led by Avigdor Lieberman – 6, Meretz led by Zehava Galon – 5, Havoda led by Merav Michaeli – 5, Hadash-Ta’al led by Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi – 4 and Ra’em led by Mansor Abbas – 4.

The Netanyahu bloc receives 60 mandates, the Lapid bloc – 56 and Hadash-Ta’al – 4.

According to the current survey, the Jewish Home led by Shaked – 2.7% (compared to 2.4% in the previous survey), the Economic Party led by Prof. Yaron Zelicha – 1.2% (0.6%), the BLD led by Sami Abu Shahada – 1.1% ( 1.2%), Economic Freedom led by Abir Kara – 0.7% (0.9%), Free Democratic Israel led by Eli Avidar – 0.2% (0.00%) and Burning Youth led by Hadar Mokhtar – 0.2% (0.3%).

Maariv survey and Politics Panels:

Likud – 32
There is a future – 24
Religious Zionism – 13
The state camp – 12
Shas – 8
Torah Judaism – 7
Israel our home – 6
March – 5
The work – 5
RAM – 4
Hadash-Ta’al – 4

below the blocking percentage
The Jewish Home – 2.7% (2.4% in the previous survey)
The economic party – 1.2%
Balad – 1.1%
Economic freedom – 0.7%
Israel is free and democratic – 0.2%
Young people on fire – 0.2%.

The right block – 60
The left bloc – 56

In response to the scenario in which Netanyahu would call for voting for the Jewish Home led by Shaked, so that it would pass – the results were: Likud – 31 mandates, Yesh Atid – 23, Religious Zionism-Otzma Yehudit – 12, the State Camp – 11, Shas – 8, Torah Judaism – 7 , Yisrael Beitenu – 6, Meretz – 5, Havoda – 4, Hadash-Ta’al – 4, Ra’am – 4, and the Jewish Home with 4 mandates.

In the survey, which was conducted by Menachem Lazar, the director of Panels Politics, 707 members of the panel participated, and it was conducted on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, both Jews and Arabs. The survey was conducted on October 12-13, and the maximum sampling error is 3.7%.

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