Macarena Olona’s flying daggers chase Vox

by time news

The set design for the program ‘Lo de Évole’ repeated the dark style that has characterized him in some of his interviews and added a slightly disturbing but also original element to the viewer. A game of mirrors that multiplied the image of Macarena Olona in the reflection. She olona in double, in triplicate, in quadruple… An army of macarenas like specters that emerge from the darkness to torment Santiago Abascal and Vox.

The party opted on Monday for denial. At the press conference, Jorge Buxadé never used the word ‘Olona’, despite the fact that the journalists asked several questions about the accusations made by his former parliamentary spokesperson. They asked him about Olona and he answered with Évole (to insult him). It wasn’t going to be that if he repeated the word ‘Olona’ three times, she would suddenly appear in the room in the middle of a black cloud and sulfur vapors. Bitelchus. Bitelchus. Bitelchus.

Macarena Olona’s metamorphosis was not going to be complete until she had her great television appearance. Her revenge could not be fully enjoyed if she did not count on her presence on prime time television. As much as Vox looks the other way, she cannot deny what is happening on television. That window doesn’t disappear even if you close your eyes and cover your ears.

The spectacular change of the former Vox candidate in the Andalusian elections contains a lie. Olona pretends that she has always been a splendid butterfly, never a nasty-looking caterpillar. She now allows herself to denounce the “suffocating climate” of Congress, as she enthusiastically contributed to that environment.

“The smile is lost,” he insisted. She frequently smiled as she plunged the knife in, sometimes with threats of lawsuits and hints of crimes committed by her enemies. Let it be noted that she enjoyed those moments.

To Évole’s question “have there been xenophobic speeches in Vox?”, Olona offered one of those silences with which he wanted to appear to be holding back. She ended by saying that there had only been “excesses.” How was she going to go further if she herself had starred in that speech charging against the centers that house foreign minors. At that time, Olona had no objection to dressing as a caterpillar. In fact, she pretended that it was not a costume, but her natural skin.

The important thing was not all that, but to settle scores with his old comrades. First, bragging about what she knows, but she guards herself: “It’s very unwise to attack someone who has the plans for the building.” She just failed to say that she has the plans for the Death Star and she knows her weak point very well.

Then came the lewd part so that everyone can imagine what they want. “That Vox teach the model 347 of the Treasury, that of ‘whores and various’, as an exercise in transparency.” Form 347 is the one that natural and legal persons must send to the Tax Agency to report on their operations for an amount greater than 3,005 euros per year invoiced to third parties.

You don’t have to get horny. It does not include a box for “sluts and miscellaneous”, which is both logical and disappointing.

At the time of pretending that it was concrete, Olona pointed out that the Fundación Disenso has received 4.5 million from Vox. But Disenso, founded in 2020 and chaired by Abascal, is the foundation of Vox, so, although the amount is gigantic, this transfer of funds is not a crime by itself. The Court of Accounts is in charge of supervising the foundations of the parties, or at least trying to do so.

Évole warmed up and said that a judge should start the next day to investigate what Olona said. With this material, a court cannot launch even the most mediocre procedure.

Once again without daring to mention Olona, ​​Buxadé praised on Monday the role of Disenso in Vox’s activity dedicated to agitation and propaganda, especially outside of Spain. The foundation is “the most efficient instrument of the cultural war in Latin America.” As they kept asking him, he chose to start shouting: “The Dissent Foundation is Vox!”.

Finding coherence in Macarena Olona’s views on her former party is not an easy task. That didn’t detract from the audience for the two-hour show. As with the game of mirrors, there was a double helping of Olona. The second hour showed that stretching the story made him lose interest. Probably, the decision was a bet to increase the audience and that worked. ‘Lo de Évole’ led Sunday night and almost doubled the audience of La Sexta that day.

The former deputy threw quite a few bones into the public with her views on the far-right party and its operation. Santiago Abascal “has limitations”. “Santiago is not free.” “Vox’s decisions are not always made within Vox.”

He did not give names or clear clues. He did not dare to do so, nor with the ultra-Catholic organization El Yunque, of which various media have already reported on his influence in the party, as have HazteOír and other fundamentalist religious groups. They are information from 2018 and 2019, when Olona climbed positions in Vox without being bothered by those companies.

That did not prevent him from stating almost the opposite by implying that Vox has domesticated. “Vox has become the system. Vox is the system”. It is curious coming from the same politics that he said at the beginning of the interview that Julio Anguita is “one of my great political references.” It seems that there are several Olonas within Macarena fighting for control.

The questions about his future are what make the leaders of Vox not dare to mention his name. It usually happens when you are afraid of someone, of what he might do or say. Could she be an attractive signing for another game? Unlikely with someone so identified with the extreme right. Can she form a new party that will attract Vox voters? Impossible if you insist on affirming that sexist violence and patriarchal culture exist.

Olona can offer at least a few doses of political entertainment. The sequels of the series are not as interesting as the first season. They may try to hold on to the possibility of a tragic ending. “They need to destroy me.” “Of course they’re after me.” “I don’t know how long I’m going to last on my feet.” That is a subplot that the writer should bet on.

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