Macrista “Gestapo”: the complete audios of the deputy commissioner who tells how the causes were armed | Exclusive: “They were looking for all the information to paper the cases. It was the judicial assembly”

by time news

Through those close to the accused, Page 12 He agreed to the audios that will be presented this Monday before federal judge Ernesto Kreplak. As this newspaper published, in them, A deputy commissioner involved in the raids on the home of Alberto Pérez, former head of the Cabinet of the province of Buenos Aires, the house, the company and even Daniel Scioli’s club, and almost a hundred more homes, assures that in the province in Buenos Aires there was a judicial table that met at the Ministry of Security in La Plata, in the same room at Banco Provincia where the Gestapo video was filmed and, sometimes, also at the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), in front of the Casa Rosada. As heard, it was made up of former governor María Eugenia Vidal, former minister Cristian Ritondo, attorney Julio Conte Grand and former Buenos Aires cabinet chief, Federico Salvai.

The audio would belong to the deputy commissioner and accountant Hernán Casassa, who personally led the raids on the Scioli company -Capanone, which was originally the electrical appliance company and has been in the family for 60 years-, at Pérez’s home, several work cooperatives , to Ioma offices, to the Undersecretary for Administrative Affairs, Walter Carbone, and to almost a hundred more homes, including the La Ñata club, in which the former governor plays futsal.

In recent days, the actions of the Buenos Aires judicial table appeared for the first time with a video and audio evidence – that of anxiety about having a Gestapo- referred to illegal espionage and armed causes against union leaders. Now there is a clear proof of how they operated against political leaders.


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