Macron as a puppet of Attali: a controversial mural

by time news

On June 22, a mural displayed in Avignon very quickly sparked controversy. And for good reason ! This represents Emmanuel Macron in the hands of Jacques Attali, the latter manipulating him like a vulgar puppet. Considered by some to be anti-Semitic, it has since been erased by the authorities. Others denounce a flouted freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression and anti-Semitism: two clans clash

Located in the Italian parking lot in Avignon, the mural representing Emmanuel Macron as a puppet manipulated by Jacques Attali was signed by the street artist Lekto. The name of the work? “The Beast 2, The Event”. No doubt a reference to the mysterious remarks made by Emmanuel Macron in May 2020, and which had given rise to a host of interpretations:

“I believe that our generation should know that the Beast of the event is here, it is coming, whether it is terrorism, this great pandemic or other shocks. You have to fight it when it arrives with what it has that is deeply unexpected, implacable. »

Some see hints of anti-Semitism in it, while others only see it as a scathing parody of Pinocchio. “American Jewish Committee“, an organization of the Jewish faith, challenged the mayor of the city. Judging that this fresco echoes the drawings of the 1930s, where the Jews were accused of dominating the world and political power, the parallel was established: the influential Jacques Attali being of Jewish origin, some denounce the image taken from the “code of the Jewish banker manipulating the world”.

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Others salute the work of the artist, considering that it is about freedom of expression. The city of Avignon has also affirmed that everyone “can interpret the image as they wish since there are no words on this wall”.

Opposed to health restrictions, Lekto stirs up controversy

Other frescoes by graffiti artist Lekto, a young man from Avignon, are considered “more political”. Among his few performances, some have been widely commented on. His stances against health restrictions were not to everyone’s liking.

The young graffiti artist, for example, represented Professor Didier Raoult performing the “sign Jul”, emblematic of the Marseille rapper. The caricature of the former Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, also made people laugh, since he was represented with a dunce cap. Another image, noticed three months earlier, showed Olivier Véran surrounded by several syringes. On his Instagram, we could read in description: “‘Immunizey’ @olivierveran, aka the soldier of #bigpharma #quadrupledose #zeyo”. There, the comments leave little room for doubt as to the artist’s opinion.

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Finally, the city of Avignon covered its last fresco in white, on Friday June 24, after it made the rounds on social networks.

In 2020, the famous Avignon Festival had been canceled. In 2021, spectators were forced to keep pace with health restrictions (masks, tests, ventilation, etc.). This year, the prestigious theatrical event could well see the wearing of masks make a comeback.

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