Macron: euthanasia (politics) on the march

by time news

EDITORIAL – Flagship measure of his second term, or in any case advanced as such by Emmanuel Macron, that’s it: the bill says “on the end of life” was officially born. The President of the Republic talked about it all last weekend, on the occasion of receiving a report from the “citizen agreement on the end of life”.

Yes. Why not. But euthanasia, the end of life of what? From whom? This is a complex debate that goes beyond the simple element of a person’s health. It is always essential to ask the question of what is desirable for oneself (expressed wish, will…), of what one finds acceptable for others by societal construction.

It is then necessary to consider the multiple factors, social, cultural, political, even religious, which make this decision-making dangerous and complex for the public authorities. Emmanuel Macron may have declared on Monday that he does not like the expression “assisted suicide”, while trying to pacify the subject, he will not be able to use the referendum route for the adoption of this bill.

Indeed, the Constitution does not clearly authorize submitting this type of societal questions to the vote of the citizens, we will come back to this. A chance for Emmanuel 1st (and 2nd term). Because there is no doubt that a good majority of French people would be in perfect agreement to assist the president in his end of political life! And to shorten his suffering as a tenant of the Élysée, installed in clothes that have become manifestly too baggy for him.

Thus Macron cannot engage his legitimacy like de Gaulle in 1969. His popularity rating is dramatically low. Only 22% of favorable opinionsaccording to a recent survey. If he could launch a referendum asking the question “Should wages be increased by 1000 euros?”the French would answer “non”, simply to give yourself the chance to see him resign! Any question would be followed by a “no to Macron” !

French people who do not yet have an electoral deadline on the horizon within which to claim “Everything except Macron”. And if in 2012, the French let Hollande be elected against Sarkozy, there is no doubt that anyone will do to chase Emmanuel 1st.

In 2022, the president escaped the sanction vote because the French did not want Marine Le Pen. As in 2017. As in 2002. As obviously in any ballot where a candidate appears with the name “The pen” listed on the ballots. Thus, the voters, certainly encouraged by the mainstream media, preferred the one they considered (naively?) as “the least worst” to the “worst of the worst” (certainly?) in their minds.

But, above all, many of them refused to give in to this difficult choice: the record abstention of people disgusted with politics was made up half of voters hostile to Emmanuel Macron – a boon for the latter to see such a population hostile to his person be confined to silence.

How to give them a voice? Yes, a referendum could help. What if we soon see a reform of the law in this area? Article 11 of the Constitution authorizes the President of the Republic to propose a bill by referendum “relating to the organization of public authorities, to reforms relating to economic, social or environmental policy”. If the theme of “services publics” is also mentioned, no societal subject, no civil law…

Emmanuel Macron could therefore wish to change this situation in order to restore the varnish of a president who would listen to his people. With in the first place, the questioning of the French which would be carried out about the question of euthanasia.

Back to square one. If the former Rothschild banker zealously carried out this kind of referendum agenda despite common sense, as if some malevolent prompter was operating behind the scenes, we would undoubtedly see euthanasia that would need no law: that of political suicide.

Here is a president who thought he was Machiavelli and who would find himself thanked by the French for having played too much Molière and “The doctor despite Himself”. With a country in agony, the suffering of the French people has reached an unbearable level. For six years now, the diagnosis has been made and the condition of the patient appears in all respects to be manifestly incurable.

Goodbye! The country is in agony, the suffering of the French people has reached an unbearable level, and the megalomania of this “Tartuffe” has been so incessant and constantly increasing for 6 years that it appears manifestly incurable in all respects. Even the political Diafoirus of BFMTV make this observation!

At the height of such gravity, there is no doubt that Emmanuel’s departure would be experienced as a great relief for the French family.

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