Macron formalizes his invitation to the parties

by time news

2023-08-26 13:05:00

“To converge without denial or renunciation”. Emmanuel Macron formalized the invitation made to all the parties represented in Parliament for a major meeting on Wednesday August 30 in order to overcome political opposition, build legislative texts “together” and pave the way, “if necessary”, for referendums. .

By successive touches, the Head of State thus puts to music “the major political initiative” announced in the middle of summer to get out of the deadlocks in the National Assembly, where his government comes up against the absence of absolute majority.

The party leaders are invited to an afternoon of discussions and a dinner, in a place to be specified later. In his letter of invitation, made public on Saturday, Emmanuel Macron thus suggests that the discussions behind closed doors should be held elsewhere than at the Elysée, probably to break with the formalism of usual work meetings.

“You share solid agreements and real disagreements between yourselves. But when the best interests of the country are at stake, I have confidence, like many French people, in our ability to converge without denial or renunciation”, writes Emmanuel Macron in this letter addressed to the party leaders, as well as to the presidents of the assemblies.

The discussions will focus on “the international situation and its consequences for France”, “the effectiveness of public action” including new avenues for decentralization and institutional reforms, and “the cohesion of the Nation”, adds -he.

After wanting to dismiss the National Rally (RN) and France insoumise (LFI), the Elysée changed its mind and finally invited these two formations that the macronie nevertheless judges outside the “republican arc”.

“It’s a loyal outstretched hand,” he insists in his letter. “The ambition will be to agree on courses of action that can find concrete and rapid translations in the achievements of the government and the legislative texts built together. The people, through the voice of their representatives and, if necessary, by referendum, will have the last word”.

the Head of State, who has made education the priority of his political return, returns once again to the urban riots of unprecedented violence which followed the death of young Nahel on June 27 during a control police in Nanterre.

-“Loss of civility”-

These events “revealed in part of our youth a loss of sense of authority and civility, a form of decivilization”, he hammered. “In an ever more brutal world, in an era where human ties threaten to fade, the pillars of our republican ideal of a sovereign and united nation are therefore at stake,” he observes.

Emmanuel Macron still does not specify on which topics he could consult the French by referendum, an option he has mentioned several times in six years of presidency without ever taking action.

In his letter to party leaders, he mentions a wide range of issues related to the “cohesion of the Nation”, such as the place of school, integration, purchasing power or inequalities.

He does not directly address the issue of immigration, which is to be the subject of a bill from his government in the coming weeks.

In an interview with Le Point magazine last Thursday, the Head of State had not ruled out using again the very controversial article 49.3 of the Constitution, as on pensions, to impose this immigration law without a vote. .

“The situation we know is not tenable and we must significantly reduce immigration, starting with illegal immigration”, declares Emmanuel Macron, while ensuring that France is not “overwhelmed” as asserted some to his right.

Kept at Matignon during a mini-ministerial reshuffle in July, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne is also preparing for a high-risk budget marathon in the fall.

It must build a finance law that meets both the promise not to raise taxes and the commitment to finally reduce France’s debt. While avoiding a vote of censure from his government which would see all the opposition join forces.

26/08/2023 13:03:34 – Paris (AFP) – © 2023 AFP

#Macron #formalizes #invitation #parties

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