Macron ha semper ragione… For how long?

by time news

TRIBUNE/OPINION – It emerges from the developments of March 22 of the Head of State, held in front of polite journalists (1), that he is right (2) and that the multitude may well think the opposite and use their right to protest (kindly, but no more),… he doesn’t care.

Emmanuel Macron also benefits from the support of the political class. And various institutions which could censor the decisions he signs or has made, but which abstain from doing so: jurisdictions, etc… (3). He can therefore technically follow the roadmap that we know.

The “violence” that develops in response to this behavior and mindset, whether by manipulated groups or not, has its uses.

It is that the rulers and their leader, who are protected by the police (and as long as they are), can hope to consolidate their position by exploiting in various ways, even by general elections, the feeling of fear aroused by the violence. Which also evokes the seizure of power by the “Reds”and the beggars.

That the remarks of March 22 were “calibrated” to trigger the reactions that we know, or whether they are only the result of a turn of mind – without necessarily going as far as syndrome d’Hubris or to others (4), they can turn against their author.

Because the maneuver, if there is a maneuver, can fail. If, for example in the political world, in the police, in the magistrates, cracks occur.

And then (and above all), those who “manufactured” the candidate Macron and maneuvered to get his name out of the polls, may end up finding that Emmanuel Macron is in reality “dangerous” for them. Because by his behavior, by his arguments, by his personality, he provokes in the population, – instead of putting it to sleep (or by trying to put it to sleep in an awkward way) -, the awareness of the kind of society which is gradually being implemented.

Which is subject to the financial markets (“European Union”), and who is an accomplice of the war enterprises of the USA (NATO).

It is perhaps these forces that will force Emmanuel Macron to give way. If the latter did not think of it himself. Because there is a crowd of followers of this kind of conception of society and of the relationship between the minority and the “masse”, who would be willing to do the same job, but who would do it a little more… skilfully.

  • Marcel M. Monin is honorary university lecturer

(1) with regard to the Macron pension reform, we managed the feat of not pronouncing the words of “European Union”ni de “pension funds”.

(2) hence the title, copied from the formula “the Duce is always right”. (Translation : The Duce is always right).

(3) see for example the decisions of the Council of State rendered on the decisions taken in relation to the sale/purchase of “vaccines”.

(4) see analytics on Youtube by François Asselineau on the use of article 68 of the constitution.

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