Macron on the delivery of planes to kyiv, 21,000 earthquake deaths and domestic violence

by time news

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Macron deems it impossible to deliver fighter jets to kyiv “in the coming weeks”

Emmanuel Macron affirmed on the night of Thursday to Friday that the fighter planes claimed by Ukraine could “in no case” be delivered “in the coming weeks”, ensuring that he favored “more useful” and “faster” weapons. “. “I exclude absolutely nothing,” assured the French president to the press about deliveries of combat aircraft. But “it does not correspond to the needs today”, he estimated, after a European summit in Brussels in the presence of his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

More than 21,000 dead to be deplored in Turkey and Syria, the hope of finding survivors is dwindling

Hopes of finding more survivors dwindled on Friday in Turkey and Syria, some 100 hours after the violent earthquakes that killed more than 21,000 people in one of the worst disasters in the region for a century. A first aid convoy made up of six trucks was able to enter the rebel areas of northwestern Syria from Turkey on Thursday through the Bab al-Hawa border post, an AFP correspondent noted. The convoy, made up of six trucks carrying blankets, mattresses, tents, relief materials and solar lamps should cover the needs of at least 5,000 people, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

MPs vote for withdrawal of parental authority after conviction for domestic violence

The deputies unanimously adopted Thursday at first reading a socialist text which provides for the withdrawal of parental authority or its exercise in the event of conviction for incestuous aggression, crime on the child or on the other parent, unless otherwise decided by the judge. “An aggressive or violent parent cannot be a good parent. You have to know who you are protecting, ”insisted PS MP Isabelle Santiago at the opening of the session. Its text was adopted unanimously (232 votes for, zero against). It will now have to be studied in the Senate. An examination which could take place as early as “March 21”, according to the Keeper of the Seals Éric Dupond-Moretti, in favor of the text, and who announced from his first speech that “the government had seized the Senate for a rapid examination”.

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