Macron, Ukraine, Hitchcock… The “Update” of the week

by time news

Lhe presidential changes of caliber. The entry into the campaign of Emmanuel Macron launches the final stretch of the campaign. On Thursday, the president-candidate – or vice versa – delivered more than four hours of presentation of his program and a question-and-answer exercise with the journalists. On the menu of a potential Macron II: the strengthening of the defense, the change of method on health and school and the will to work more. The reactions were not long in coming: Valérie Pécresse denounced a copy-paste program of hers and the left-wing candidates castigated “all-right” measures.

Presidential 7 of 7
Presidential: Macron’s budget program under the microscope
Macron’s program: in search of the sacred fire of 2017
Valérie Pécresse: “My difference to me”
Presidential – Valérie Pécresse: “I killed Zemmour! »
Marine Le Pen presents her “Marie Curie Plan” for nuclear power
From Pécresse to Jadot, the match of ecologies on Twitch
Zemmour: the great shortness of breath


The war in Ukraine continues. The Ukrainian authorities have accused the Russian air force of having “knowingly” bombed the Mariupol theater on Wednesday, which Russia has denied. The drafting of Point remains mobilized: Romain Gubert presents the army which astonishes the world, our reports on the ground and our major interviews to understand all the issues.

our selection
In kyiv, a war from another time
The improbable nuclear apocalypse, really?
Nord Stream, the story of a German strategic fiasco
The great anguish of Russians in France
Biden, a wartime pacifist
War in Ukraine: rescue operation at the Lviv museum
Gogol, Conrad, Babel, Horowitz… Ukraine, land of geniuses


The Covid-19 pandemic has exhausted the French. In question ? Stress, mental load and lack of sleep. Two years after the introduction of containment, Marion Cocquet, Claire Lefebvre and François-Guillaume Lorrain carried out the investigation while the cases of Covid are rising, even in China.

Our four episodes
Breathless French people
“Great fatigue”, the antidotes to get out of it
Portraits of the “next world”
“History of rest”: taking a break with Alain Corbin


Yvan Colonna’s attack sparked tensions between the state and Corsican nationalists, frustrated that their victories in the territorial elections of 2015, 2017 and then 2021 did not bring their demands to fruition. Faced with an outbreak of violence, Gérald Darmanin created a surprise by opening up the possibility of discussions that could go as far as “autonomy”. Our correspondent in Bastia, Julian Mattéi, follows this soap opera at the heart of the presidential election.

READ ALSO“Corsica wants the power to pass its own laws”

The powers of the brain

Writers, doctors, scientists, high-level athletes… Casting of choice at Neuroplanète to explore and understand the extraordinary powers of our brain. The conferences can be seen or reviewed on our Dailymotion channel.

READ ALSOMarie Patouillet, the meteorite cyclist

The mango leaf

As the Angoulême Festival opens (March 17-20), Romain Brethes is investigating the rise of Japanese comics, a veritable publishing phenomenon in France and around the world. With, in addition, a selection of books to read or to offer.

READ ALSOThe manga, angel or demon?


Incredible but true: Alfred Hitchcock had a flop. Released in the spring of 1958 in the United States, Cold sweatVertigo, in its original version – baffled critics and the public. The gang of Philippe Guedj looks back on this film which has become… cult.

READ ALSOCiné-Crash #22 – “Cold sweats”, Alfred Hitchcock’s definitive vertigo

A Max of F1

“Crank up the volume and go to the first corner. After a jaw-dropping 2021 season that saw Max Verstappen triumph over Lewis Hamilton on the final lap of the final Grand Prix, Formula 1 is back. While the Netflix documentary series devoted to the discipline is a hit, Franck Montagny, Canal + consultant, presents the challenges of the competition. On track !

READ ALSOFormula 1: “We can expect anything, this season is going to be crazy”

But also

The political interview of the weekend with Julien Aubert, deputy LR of Vaucluse

The great investigation of Clément Pétreault on the first party of France: the abstentionists

The media letter dedicated to Len Blavatnik, the tycoon who went from Ukraine to the Côte d’Azur

60 years of the Evian Accords

The of Philippe Labro

The Adventures of James Webb

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