Macron’s use of the consulting firm McKinsey at the center of criticism, Pécresse imagines his first six months of presidency… The political news of the day

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The world keeps the synopsis of the campaign for the presidential election of 2022: a daily update, published at 7 p.m., analyzes the political events of the past day and discusses the appointments to come.

News of the day: Emmanuel Macron’s use of the consulting firm McKinsey at the center of criticism

Ten days before the first round, Emmanuel Macron finds himself struggling with a controversy over the government’s use of consulting firms, in particular McKinsey. Traveling to Fouras, in Charente-Maritime, the candidate president denounced “untruths”before defending the use of consulting firms for specific missions.

According to him, he is “It is perfectly legitimate to say to yourself: “If I need a mission, I take someone for the mission”, either a contractor or a service provider”. Mr. Macron was then questioned about the lack of civil servants, which would have prompted the State to call on these consulting firms. “We have cut too many civil servants [qui étaient] in the field and not centrallyhe still denounced. I did not delete [de postes de fonctionnaires], but I arrive in a country where they have suppressed them. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Use of the consulting firm McKinsey: the government embarrassed ten days before the first round

Earlier in the morning of Thursday, several presidential candidates had criticized Mr. Macron for his massive use of consulting firms during the five-year term which is ending. Valérie Pécresse, the candidate of the Republicans (LR), said that she did not want to use consulting firms “at these levels of amounts”. “I’m not against having public-private partnerships. The subject that shocks the French is to see that McKinsey has not paid its taxes in France for ten years.estimated Mme Pécresse, for whom the use of consulting firms “will depend on the missions, and obviously not at these levels of amounts”.

The far-right candidate Eric Zemmour (Reconquest!) has promised that he will not call on consulting firms if he is elected. “I am absolutely sure” not to do so, he said on RTL, denouncing a “triple mess” : “We have senior civil servants who are not used for what they can do; consulting firms are often very expensive; with tax optimization systems, they do not pay taxes. »

Mr. Zemmour then accused Mr. Macron of having entrusted consulting missions to the firm McKinsey out of favoritism. “I think Emmanuel Macron returned the favor to McKinsey, who worked for his campaign for free”he said. An accusation that the President of the Republic had vigorously defended on March 27: “We have the impression that there are tricks, it’s not true. There are public procurement rules. »

Watch the video. The McKinsey affair destabilizes the executive ten days before the first round

Photo of the day: Valérie Pécresse presents the calendar for the first six months of her presidency

Senator Les Républicains Bruno Retailleau and the party's presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse, during the press conference devoted to the

Pensions, immigration or health… Left behind in the polls where she appears in fourth or fifth position, Valérie Pécresse nevertheless has the timetable for her priority reforms well in mind if she is elected President of the Republic. The Republican candidate presented her schedule of “one hundred days for the recovery of France” – in reality, of the first six months – which is intended “a project of rupture after years of inaction and renunciation”she said at a press conference.

Ten days before the first round of the presidential election, “it was important to show that we are ready, that we have a team capable of exercising responsibilities tomorrow”, explained Valérie Pécresse alongside the president of the group Les Républicains au Sénat, Bruno Retailleau, who set the project to music. Despite the war in Ukraine, “we can change captains and have a president who, within one hundred and eighty days after her election, will change France with bills already written”added the candidate of the right-wing party, back in the campaign after several days of isolation because of his contamination by SARS-CoV-2.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Valérie Pécresse is trying to relaunch her campaign in Hauts-de-France

European summit at the end of June “devoted to protecting the interests of Europe and Europeans”, “strategic review” of the defense, “social and wage conference” to put the 10% increase in wages on track… A “simplification conference” would be launched as well as a “Audit of all of France’s public accounts” and one “Environmental Palace” for “restore the trajectory of the fight against global warming”.

Before the legislative elections, Mme Pécresse has undertaken to repeal the Valls circular on the regularization of undocumented foreigners and the reform of the senior civil service, as well as that of justice limiting imprisonment for short sentences.

Read the report: Article reserved for our subscribers “Me, I am for a right… normal. In Sarthe, confused LR voters

sentence of the day

Emmanuel Macron: “I have never trivialized the National Front. The solutions he proposes, I fight them with force “

He calls not to trivialize the far-right candidates Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour. After a walkabout in the city center of Fouras, in Charente-Maritime, on Thursday, Emmanuel Macron answered questions from journalists on the dynamics of the candidate of the National Rally (who succeeded the National Front in 2018) in the polls .

“I don’t do fictional politics, but collectively I have heard less that she is far-right. We must continue to say what is the truth of the projects “declared the candidate president during his campaign trip devoted to his assessment and his proposals devoted to ecology, assuring: “I will fight until the last second. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Marine Le Pen: a fundamentally far-right program behind a softened image

Still about Mr. Zemmour and Mme Le Pen, the Head of State considered that it is“a tandem that is moving forward with far-right ideas, carried by a clan and a newcomer”.

“People looked away, said ‘it’s more sympathetic’, trivialized it… Me, I’ve never trivialized the National Front. I have always respected the voters who voted, but the solutions he proposes, I fight them with force ”insisted Mr. Macron.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Macron-Le Pen-Mélenchon battle in the overseas territories for the 2022 presidential election

The day when… In 2007, ecology becomes a must, even if the vagueness persists on the objectives and on the means of achieving them

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Fifteen years ago, for the first time in a presidential campaign, ecology became a must. This theme was no longer the reserved domain of the Greens, but imposed itself on all camps, as a political subject and no longer just a technical one. “The three candidates currently leading in the polls devote a detailed part of their program to environmental issues”can we read in The world dated March 31, 2007.

“In their public statements, Nicolas Sarkozy, François Bayrou and Ségolène Royal agree on one observation: the ecological crisis puts the “survival” of humanity at stake”, writes the journalist Gaëlle Dupont, who explains that a succession of events has favored this awareness. The publication, on 2 February 2007 in Paris, of the fourth report by the Intergovernmental Group on Climate Change, confirming human responsibility for the phenomenon, or even the appearance on the political scene of the television presenter Nicolas Hulot have contributed to highlight the issue of the environment.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Presidential 2022: the candidates’ climate projects “are not up to the task”, according to The Shift Project

The main candidates all promise to strengthen the weight of ecology in the future government, to commit themselves to a world organization for the environment, to act within the European framework, to emphasize research , to develop environmental education, to promote renewable energies, to better recognize the role of associations, for example. Despite some dead ends, on town planning or fishing among others, the main issues are mentioned in the programs.

“But the vagueness persists on the objectives and, above all, on the means of achieving them”underlines Gaëlle Dupont. “For example, while all the candidates sing the praises of organic farming, only Dominique Voynet and José Bové set a specific target as a percentage of agricultural area”explains the journalist, continuing: “However, the example of policies carried out at European level proves that, in terms of ecology, setting deadlines and quantified objectives is the only way to progress. »

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Environment: Emmanuel Macron’s five-year “small steps”

On the agenda for Friday 1is avril

Campaign party. Anne Hidalgo, the socialist candidate, is traveling to Nantes, while the Republican candidate, Valérie Pécresse, is going to Rognac (Bouches-du-Rhône). The sovereignist presidential candidate, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France), is going to Carcassonne.

Great oral devoted to migrations. Several presidential candidates are invited to present their proposals on the theme of migration by twenty organizations committed to the inclusion of newcomers. The auditions start from 2 p.m. from the Museum of the History of Immigration, in Paris.

Meetings. Marine Le Pen, candidate of the National Rally, gives a meeting in Stiring-Wendel (Moselle) from 6:30 p.m. The candidate of Lutte Ouvrière, Nathalie Arthaud, gives a speech in Vénissieux (Rhône), in the room Curie at 7 p.m.

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