customers furious that the furniture ordered is resold by Noz

by time news

Injured customers have mandated a lawyer to obtain compensation for their orders paid but not delivered. A collective complaint will be filed.

The resale at bargain prices by the Noz brand of furniture stock, placed in compulsory liquidation in November, is not making everyone happy. For French customers of the British brand who had placed an order and paid, without receiving their due, it’s a cold shower. “When we think that our paid furniture will be sold at Noz, it disgusts me“, fumes a customer on the Facebook group created after the bankruptcy of

«Unimaginable. We paid for them to resell them again, anything“, launches another. “It’s scandalous !“, can we read in several other comments written on this group, which today has more than 2000 members. Many of these customers are fighting to get a refund for their order which they will never see the color of, often without result.

Like Carlie, who tells the Figaro having bought a chair on for an amount of approximately 380 euros. “For the first time, I decided to use Oney (an online bank, editor’s note) to pay for the chair in three installments, and I discovered that it was a big mistake. Oney categorically refuses to reimburse its customers“Explains this 37-year-old Strasbourg resident. Contacted, the online bank indicates that “the reimbursement of an order can only take place after the triggering of a cancellation made by». «Our teams are mobilized to find a solution for all customers“, she adds.

No more luck on the side of traditional banks which, according to numerous testimonies, refuse for many to reimburse their customers. Contacted, Société Générale indicates “not to comment on the particular situation of its customers“. For many of them, the losses amount to hundreds of euros, sometimes even thousands of euros. “I lost 850 euros and am disgusted by the turn of things!gets carried away by a client on the Facebook group. We are, as simple consumers, at the total mercy of the repurchasers without being able to assert any rights.»

A collective complaint soon to be filed

A lawyer was mandated by several clients to try to obtain compensation. Joined by Le FigaroMaître Emma Leoty, who represents around thirty clients, explains that she sent a collective complaint to the liquidator of, the British firm PwC, for “deceptive marketing and advertising practices“, which will be filed with the Paris prosecutor’s office this week. “Some customers have indeed subscribed to a promotional offerin September and October, even when the bankruptcy of was already in the pipes, explains the lawyer.

The objective of this procedure being toobtain amicable compensation“, she adds. “I hope that either the buyer of, or itself, will make an effort“says M.e Leoty, while conceding that the case proves “very complicated“. In particular because is a company under English law. “There is therefore the barrier of the law applicable to French consumers“, she laments. The PwC administrator, for his part, invites the clients concerned to complete an online form. An information page has also been put online by the European Consumer Center France.

Contacted, the Noz destocking chain defends itself. “As in any compulsory liquidation, we buy back a stock from a liquidator, and the funds must be used to pay the brand’s creditors: debts, owners, administration, and of course customers.“, explains the communication department of the brand. “It’s legal”, he asked Mre Leoty. The problem being that customersare at the very end of the chainreimbursement, she explains.

As for customers who ask Noz to recover their paid for but undelivered items from stock, “it would be logistically impossible to identify the products concerned“replies the brand, which had already swept up the stocks of the Camaïeu ready-to-wear chain at the end of October. “We were unaware, at the time of repurchase of the stock, of this history with customers who were waiting for delivery.concludes Noz.

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