Made in Italy creativity on the hunt for artisans

by time news

2023-03-20 14:27:36

Second National Chamber of Italian Fashionat the end of 2022 i revenues of the enlarged perimeter of the Italian fashion system – that which in addition to clothing also includes textiles, footwear, cosmetics, jewelery and eyewear – amounted to 98.3 billion euros. A milestone that sanctions not only the recovery, but also a substantial overtaking of the levels prior to the Covid crisis, given that the previous peak of 90.2 billion was reached in 2019.

In short, the train of the historically most prosperous and recognizable sector of our country is back on track. But to continue doing so by supporting growth rates that in the next few years many entrepreneurs estimate between 5 and 10 per cent a year, we need to think right now about strengthening the productive backbone: the craftsmen eh specialized workers who with their work represent the value chain of this economy. In fact, they are the true resource of our country’s know-how, a human capital that companies are finding it increasingly difficult to find, as some estimates by Altagamma e Confcraftsmanship.

According to the foundation that brings together companies and brands of high creativity made in Italy, by 2027 in our country there will be a shortage of 346,000 workers specialized in fashion, design, food and hospitality, endangering precisely those sectors which for years have shaped the identity of Italian know-how in the world, so important for our image. The estimates of the association of small and very small Italian artisan enterprises look more at the short term and say that already this year the sector chain will suffer from the lack of 43,700 artisans. Finally, a third screening, this one by Chamber of Fashionphotographs the danger of the lack of generational turnover: in the next three years it will be 90,000 jobs of artisans and skilled workers who risk being left uncovered due to retirements and the demand for new positions in the fashion industry.

In short, in the many Italian manufacturing districts there is the real risk of finding yourself with an army of empty workbenches in a few years. To support the growth of the sector, it is necessary to immediately take care of the requests of the production chain, creating a driving force that knows how to attract and train new artisans and make them grow. To do this, one of the first actions is of a cultural nature: to fight the creeping stigma – all Italian – towards the technical and vocational schools. It is necessary to clear the field of prejudices related to trades that fall within the perimeter of what is defined as craftsmanship and to make both students and their families understand how much these jobs are those where creativity, passion and sustainability are best expressed, giving life to Italian mastery . Professions from which, for many years, young people have probably tried to stay away frightened by mediocre salary prospects, but which today, on the other hand, allow career paths full of satisfaction.

#Italy #creativity #hunt #artisans

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