Madrid: What does life look like after a kidney transplant?

by time news

A kidney transplant is a complex procedure. The body’s adaptation to an organ from a foreign source is not a matter of course, so it is important to take many precautions before, during and after it. There are extensive tests beforehand in order to find a kidney that will not only be normal but also suitable for the donor. The surgery itself is also complex, especially when the source of the donation is a living person who needs to undergo kidney removal surgery. Accordingly, as the experts of the Medlid company, which specializes in private kidney transplants abroad, explain, even after a transplant it is important to be under control and follow-up, but without a doubt, life looks completely different compared to it before the transplant, when the transplanted person was dependent on dialysis.

Get back to normal in a gradual way

As mentioned, there is no doubt that life after a kidney transplant is immeasurably better than life with dialysis. However, it is important not to go too far at once. In Medlid, they say that many transplant recipients who have successfully undergone a kidney transplant are waiting for the moment when they can return to a life full of activity as they were before the condition of their kidneys deteriorated. However, experts explain Madalid, the body must undergo adaptation and must be given this time. These are three months in which it is still important to take care of a state of relative rest, not to overexert the body, and to be careful not to spend too much time in the company of many people in order not to catch infections. In the first three months you have to go with your body so that there are no complications of graft rejection or infections. As long as you follow this carefully, after the adaptation period you can return to a normal life path.

Proper nutrition and maintaining health

A proper and healthy diet is important for everyone, but when it comes to kidney transplant recipients it is even more important to maintain a proper diet. There is a tendency to gain weight because of medications that must be taken that cause this, such as steroids. Therefore, after the transplant you should consult a nutritionist and adjust the menu. Another recommendation from Madrid experts is related to oral health: one of the side effects of anti-rejection drugs is pain in the teeth or gums, therefore it is important to observe oral hygiene, to be examined by a dentist and hygienist periodically.

Travel, do sports and enjoy life

After a period of about three months ends, they explain in Madrid, the rope can be released and gradually return to a normal life, the life the transplanted person lived before the kidneys reached a state of terminal failure. Gradually you can return to physical activity, first it is better to engage in physical activity at a lower intensity such as walking, swimming or cycling. Excursions in the open air are great, but at least in the beginning it’s worth going on short hikes where the journey isn’t long either. Beyond that, it is important to constantly be in self-control, listen to your body and feel when it needs some rest and a break. Along with the fact that anti-rejection drugs must be taken and that must be taken care of, many possibilities open up to the transplanted person and he returns to a full life. Even starting a family is possible after a successful transplant. There are quite a few kidney transplant clients from Dalid who managed to have a normal pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies.

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