Magdalena Max-Neef’s sayings to the world of culture – 2024-03-18 03:26:34

by times news cr

2024-03-18 03:26:34

“Some people win the Fondart five years in a row and don’t win it one year and begin to allege that the government does not support culture,” accused the actress.

Magdalena Max-Neef wanted to join the analyzes regarding the two years of Gabriel Boric’s Government, where from the world of culture they have been critical of his management, but making a mea culpa about the panorama that exists in the arts environment.

In an interview with La Tercera, the theater and TV actress shared the words of Jaime Vadell, who stated that her colleagues “have taken to crying.”

“I share it, that colleagues cry… We are the biggest crybabies there are (…) “Some people win the Fondart five years in a row and don’t win it one year and begin to allege that the Government does not support culture,” asked one of the protagonists of One to Ten, how much do you love me?

Magdalena Max-Neef reiterated that “we are crybabies. I don’t know the other unions, if lawyers are like that, I don’t know… One complains, but I think that all Chileans complain, I don’t think it has to do with the profession, we are complainers.”

When asked about the Government’s management of cultural matters, the actress and director was indifferent on the matter.

“Honestly, I have no idea what the Government’s cultural management has been like. I love Carolina Arredondo, I loved that she came out, but I’m not very aware either”he declared.

Along these lines, Max-Neef explained that “On Instagram they often say to me: ‘these lefties, with the Government scholarship, sponsored by the Government.’ The government has not sponsored me. They are wrong, at least me and my actor friends, no one has subsidized us. lThe things we do we have done in all governments and making do with our own possibilities.”

Magdalena Max-Neef shoots at the Fondart

Along with this, there was criticism of the National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts, the well-known Fondart, ensuring that “For some reason the Fondarts are often taken by the same people. The Fondarts are a piece of shit, it’s the most tangled thing there is. We applied for one, we didn’t win, because they considered that we were not cultural enough for the area, in Bellavista, that was the diagnosis. Then we won a mini Fondart for infrastructure to put air conditioning in the theater.”

“And I’m not complaining, I think so, that suddenly the same people win it too many times, in reality they will have good projects, they will have pitito, I have no idea…I have no idea, I haven’t been interested in the topic for a long time. I mean zero to this Government, it is the same as always,” said Magdalena Max-Neef.

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