Magical Boys Rescue on Amazon | Dynamics

by time news

Amazon: In the world’s largest Amazon jungle, magical boys were rescued last month in a state of exhaustion.

In the Amazon province of Brazil, a South American country, there are some of the largest Amazon forests in the world. Brothers Glacco, 7, and Gleason Pereira, 9, both from the nearby village of Manigoro, went into the woods on Feb. 18 to catch small birds. Then they did not return home. The task of looking for them magically in the woods began. The search operation by the rescue team and the villagers was hampered by heavy rains.

At this point, a man who had gone into the woods to cut firewood saw the boys. Without food for several days, both were severely affected physically. The boys were rescued and after first aid at a nearby hospital, were airlifted to a hospital in another city.


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