Magistrate Jesús Ociel Baena: the last videos with his partner before he died – Mexico – International

by time news

2023-11-18 07:00:00

The death of Jesús Ociel Baena, the first non-binary person to be appointed as a magistrate in a Latin American Court, continues to shock his relatives, who have flatly rejected the hypothesis of the Mexican Prosecutor’s Office about a murder at the hands of his partner Dorian Daniel Nieves Herrera.

(Also: ‘They loved each other very much’: magistrate Ociel Baena’s family contradicts murder hypothesis).

To support the investigation, authorities analyzed videos from security cameras that show Baena and his partner arriving at an airport and traveling to their home before being found dead. The audiovisual material was released by the media Imagen Noticias.

Magistrate Jesús Ociel Baena and Dorian Herrera, his partner.

In the first footage, you can see how Baena and Nieves traveled to the state of Oaxaca on November 10 to attend an event.

They returned on Monday, November 13, in the early hours of the morning, to the Aguascalientes airport. According to the videos revealed by the aforementioned channel, “the two of them are seen at all times, there is no third party.”

They arrived at their house, located in the exclusive Punta del Cielo complex, around 1 am that Monday. They unloaded the suitcases from the truck and entered the residence. The maid found them dead hours later.

(Read his story: The hard life of the first magistrate of Latin America, Jesús Ociel Baena).

“No damage was found in the entrances to the home, that is, the panels, doors or exteriors were not damaged,” the Prosecutor’s Office said and reiterated that no third person entered the place.

On the death certificate, it was detailed that the estimated time of death was 2:30 am, an hour and a half after his arrival at the home.

The hypothesis of the Prosecutor’s Office regarding the death of Magistrate Jesús Ociel Baena

The attorney general of the state of Aguascalientes, Jesús Figueroa, indicated that Baena would have been murdered with a sharp weapon by his partner, who would then have taken his own life.

“What we have from the investigation is that an argument began in one of the rooms. (…) We found 20 wounds on the magistrate’s body, of those 20 wounds, 19 are superficial, with a sharp object that we detected as knives. shave,” he expressed on the Radio Formula station.

According to Figueroa, a wound in the neck was what caused Baena’s death: “It is a homicide. We saw wounds on Dorian’s fingers. He went up to the bedroom, (…) and caused a wound in his neck “.

Dorian Herrera, partner of Jesús Ociel Baena.

(In context: This is the authorities’ hypothesis about the murder of Magistrate Ociel Baena).

“It may seem like a hypothesis, for many people, that is not very credible, but we are being careful, especially to leave the record and conservation of all these signs,” he reiterated.

The family describes the entire investigative process as “lies.” Cinthya Baena, sister, stated that she chatted with Baena and Nieves when they landed in Aguascalientes and did not notice anything strange.

“They were very calm, they loved each other a lot, there was no evil in them. They had just arrived from a trip to Oaxaca happy and content. We spoke with him when they arrived at the airport. They were happy, as always,” he said.

Juan Baena Hernández, the magistrate’s father, assured that the hypothesis that the authorities are handling is a lack of respect “for intelligence.” He demanded that the death threats Baena had received be taken into account.

(See: Magistrade Ociel Baena and his partner present knife wounds: Mexican Prosecutor’s Office).

“The way he was going to die, they told him that he was going to die with his throat cut and apparently that is the cause that the Prosecutor’s Office is giving as the cause of death. We do not want to say that the Prosecutor’s Office is bad or wrong, we just want it to take into account tells these events,” he said for the Milenio channel.

Jesús Ociel Baena with his voting card that specifies non-binary gender.


Instagram: @ocielbaena

The magistrate’s career was marked by seeking the participation of LGBTI people in Mexican politics. He set precedents in that country by receiving his non-binary gender voting card and his modified birth certificate.

“We should be talking about the advances in terms of political electoral rights, but we ended up talking about my gender expression, my heels… But I understood that this is necessary because, since a non-binary person had never been seen judging, this is the first step. What is not mentioned does not exist,” Baena said in an interview with EL TIEMPO nine months before his death.

You can also see:

– The drama in Edwin Arrieta’s family before Daniel Sancho’s turn in a statement.

– Tragedy in Italy: Colombian woman is saved by a neighbor from being murdered by her partner.

– This is how ‘Laika’ fell, a feared woman who is accused of numerous murders in Cúcuta.


*With information from El Universal / México (Grupo de Diarios América, GDA)

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