The National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation agreed to the actions they will undertake to show their rejection of the judicial reform. Among those that are “seriously considered” is one suspension of work.
In a statement, the association agreed on five points “because the dialogues convened by the Chamber of Deputies have concluded and turned out to be a simulation by not giving the members of the association the opportunity to participate in various venues.”
They complained that in one of the forums the microphone was turned off during the intervention of a federal judge, so they agreed to carry out actions to show their rejection of the forums and to reinforce the defense of the separation of powers and the judicial career.
In addition to considering a work stoppage on an undefined date, the association will promote the placement of banners, expressing its rejection of the forums.
On the day these banners are placed, a statement of rejection of the constitutional reform initiative by the Association and various organizations of the Judicial Branch of the Federation will be read in all Circuits.
It was stated that this Friday the regional boards of the Association will review the necessary aspects for carrying out the protest actions.