Magnesium, zinc and omega-3 juice fights stress and insomnia, so you don’t have to buy nutritional supplements and for a deep sleep

by time news

Magnesium, zinc and omega-3 juice fights stress and insomnia, keeps you from buying nutritional supplements and for deep sleep

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body, as it is considered a nutritional supplement that is difficult to replace, and for this reason, it will provide you with a drink that contains a wide range of minerals, including magnesium, and you will not need to look for other sources of minerals after you take magnesium juice .

How to make magnesium juice

the ingredients
To make magnesium at home, the ingredients are as follows:

  • We need pumpkin seeds.
  • Half a cup of sesame.
  • One banana.
  • about one date
  • Lots of almonds.

How to prepare

To prepare this juice at home, do the following steps:

  • Where in the electric mixer you put all the ingredients together..
  • Also, later in the grinder we put the other ingredients.
  • Also, you must add all the mixture to each other and wait until it is completely homogeneous.
  • You can put a spoonful of honey on the mixture for sweetening.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms

There are many problems that result when magnesium deficiency from the body, so we should not resort to this stage, and it is necessary to alert the symptoms at the beginning, as the symptoms are as follows:

  • If the level of cholesterol in the blood is high.
  • If you have asthma problems.
  • It is also in the case if the person has convulsions.
  • Or the person is exposed to some psychological problems or feeling depressed from time to time d.
  • Increasing menstrual pain, unlike expected, every month.
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • Having bone problems.
  • Therefore, in the event of any of these symptoms, this magical drink must be resorted to, which will give you the unexpected result.

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