Mai Golan mocked Mirav Ben Ari: “Kokuriko, you are a cackling chicken” | watch

by time news

Tonight, the plenum approved the hametz law at the end of a stormy debate that lasted for many hours and included quite a few surprising, amusing and embarrassing moments, including this segment, in which Minister Mai Golan was recorded mocking MK Merav Ben Ari and calling her a “croaking chicken”.

The law prohibiting the introduction of chametz to hospitals on Passover was approved by the Knesset plenum in the first reading

Minister Mai Golan to MK Merav Ben Ari: “Kokuriko, that’s what you are, a cackling chicken” (photo: Knesset Channel)

“Mirv Kokoriko ben Ari, you disturb me, your gossips are very disturbing,” Minister Golan said on the podium. “Day and night you croak, you croak, Kokuriko, what about the chaklakala? Your style is the lowest, the worst. Kokoriko, that’s what you are, a croaking hen.”

Deputy Speaker of the Knesset MK Yifat Shasha-Biton remarked to Sara: “You don’t talk like that.”

The incident broke out while Golan, who serves in the Prime Minister’s office without a portfolio or powers, went up to the speaker’s stand in the plenum and when MK Ben Ari called interludes at her, she turned towards her and said: “You disturb me, your croaking disturbs me.”

Ben Ari got angry at the words, stood her ground and replied: “You’ll talk to me nicely, don’t tell me I’m croaking” and Sara Golan didn’t stop: “You croak day and night. Your style is inferior and the worst, Kokuriko, that’s what you are, a croaking chicken.”

Ben Ari responded: “Insolent, who are you to call me a snitch. What did you do? Nothing, you did nothing.” The argument between the two developed into a loud confrontation and Yifat MK Shasha Biton who presided over the meeting tried to cool the atmosphere and told Sara Golan: “I will not allow this conversation”.

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