Maia remains investigated for participating in the 8/01 in the commission

by time news

2023-06-06 17:29:26

Bruno Spada/Chamber of Deputies – 05/31/2023

Federal Deputy André Fernandes (PL – CE)

Before presenting the work plan of the Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) on the coup acts of January 8, a matter of order asked for the replacement of one of the members of the commission: federal deputy André Fernandes (PL-CE) .

Author of the request that created the commission, Andre Fernandes
is one of those investigated by the Federal Supreme Court for publishing videos calling for coup acts, even stating that he would be present at the demonstration. After the invasion, the parliamentarian published an image of a vandalized cabinet door of the STF with the name of Alexandre de Moraes with the caption “Who laughs goes to jail”.

The president of the CPMI, Arthur Maia, rejected the question of order and kept deputy André Fernandes on the CPMI collegiate.

According to Maia, “there is no half-deputy, either you are a deputy and can participate in any collegiate of that house or you are not and cannot do so. In addition, this nomination is not up to the president of the collegiate, but to the party leader”.

In any case, the President of CPMI
he said he would forward the matter to the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, who is the one who, based on the nomination of the leaders, appoints the members of the CPMI.

point of order

The point of order was presented by federal deputy Rogério Corrêa (PT-MG). The PT recalled that Deputy André Fernandes has already been indicted by the Federal Police.

“It is likely that he will become a defendant. Deputy André Fernandes would be participating in an investigation that he himself is indicted. In this case, we are requesting that he be replaced by another member. There is nothing to do with the deputy’s political opinion, but obviously, being investigated and indicted by the PF, he cannot be part of the inquiry, it would be like the fox guarding the chicken coop”, argued the Minas Gerais parliamentarian.

Party colleague, Deputy Felipe Barros (PL-PR), came out in defense of Deputy André Fernandes. For him, this issue has already been dealt with in other parliamentary commissions of inquiry, such as the CPI of the Post Office and the so-called Mensalão, which had members investigated by the police.

In addition, deputy Felipe argued that “it is the exclusive responsibility of the leaders to appoint the members of a temporary committee. It is not up to the president of the CPMI or another parliamentary member to deliberate on the composition of their collegiate body. Therefore, I ask that you do not know this question of order or, if known, dismiss it as unfounded”, he pointed out.

The decision caused protests from the governing base and applause from the opposition. Deputy Rubens Pereira Júnior (PT-MA) informed that he would appeal against the decision to the Board of Directors of the National Congress.

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