Main reasons behind a high-risk pregnancy

by time news

2023-08-31 23:00:30

Preventing pregnancy in adolescents and women over 35 years of age helps reduce the risk of malformations and premature babies.
According to the ISSSTE, it is currently estimated that almost 50% of pregnancy cases in Mexico are of high obstetric risk.
World Obstetrics and Pregnancy Day is commemorated every August 31.

There are different reasons that lead a couple to procreate and start a family. When that happens, the greatest desire is to ensure that the pregnancy passes without complications. Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible and one of the biggest complications is the high risk pregnancyBut why does it happen and how can it be prevented?

In this sense, the maximum indication for all women is to attend all their follow-up appointments with the gynecologist. From the moment you receive the news that there is a being in formation in your womb, you must change your life.

For its part, according to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), a high-risk pregnancy is one that endangers the health or life of the mother or fetus. When one is diagnosed, it is necessary to receive specialized medical attention immediately.

Some pregnancies become high risk as they progress, while others are so even before pregnancy due to some specific characteristics of the women.

national overview

With respect to the present, data from the Medical Financial Information System (Simef) report that, so far in 2023, the ISSSTE has attended 127,240 pregnancies classified as normal, 5,043 gynecologic and obstetric emergencies of the Mater Code, 9,246 high-risk, and 15,771 pregnancy complications in patients throughout the country.

In this regard, the person in charge of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the National Medical Center (CMN) “20 de Noviembre”, María de Lourdes Estrada Soria, stressed that It is currently estimated that almost 50 percent of pregnant women in Mexico present high obstetric risk. This situation can lead to serious damage to health or put the life of the mother and the fetus at risk due to multiple factors.

Why does a high-risk pregnancy occur?

According to the Ministry of Health of the State of Mexico there are many factors that can lead to a case of this type. Some of the main ones are the following:

Teenage pregnancy. Pregnancy after the age of 35. Being overweight or obese. Birth interval less than two years: When the spacing between one pregnancy and another is less than 2 years, there is a greater probability of presenting prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation. Multigravity: When you have three or more pregnancies including the current one, the probability of low insertion of the placenta and postpartum uterine atony is greater. The history of two abortions is related to a 50% probability of occurrence; three or more consecutive miscarriages are associated with a 70% chance of recurrence; in the latter case, the diagnosis of habitual abortion is established. A history of preeclampsia-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy is associated with a higher probability of recurrence of this complication. A history of bleeding in the 2nd half of pregnancy from a previous pregnancy makes its recurrence in the next pregnancy more likely. A history of previous cesarean section is associated with a higher risk of presenting: low insertion of the placenta, placental accreta, and rupture of the uterine scar during labor; this risk increases exponentially as the number of previous cesarean sections increases. The history of congenital malformations, in the couple, increases the probability of occurrence of congenital malformations in the product. A history of fetal death, in a previous pregnancy, is associated with a higher probability of a repeat since it generally reflects underlying chronic pathology. The history of prematurity is more likely to repeat. A history of arterial hypertension increases the risk of preeclampsia-eclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation, fetal and maternal death. A history of diabetes mellitus is related to a higher probability of preeclampsia-eclampsia, abortion, birth defects, intrauterine growth retardation or fetal microsomia.

Tips for a healthy pregnancy

On the other hand, to prevent risks, the main recommendation is that the pregnancy is planned by the couple. Preferably, a prior medical appointment should be requested to verify the health status of both the woman and the man.

It is also useful to consume folic acid and omega 3 even before trying to get pregnant. In any case, only a gynecologist can provide the indicated doses for each woman according to her characteristics. While the most important thing to avoid a high-risk pregnancy is to always go for medical check-ups and follow all the specialist’s instructions.

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