Main reasons for complaints against doctors according to Conamed

by time news

2023-08-31 02:00:11

Conamed is the highest authority in charge of resolving legal conflicts between patients and health professionals.
During 2022, it received a total of 16,384 issues, of which 10,202 were for guidance and 5,260 advice and complaints.
From lack of respect to communication problems with the patient are some of the frequent reasons for complaints against doctors.

There are many risks to which health professionals are exposed and they go beyond infections and contagions. Within the list are the complaints against doctors. This is by no means a minor issue because a legal conflict can lead to far-reaching consequences.

Permanent fear of being sued for medical negligence

For its part, one of the great fears within this union is to suffer a lawsuit for Medical negligence. In its most basic definition it is the neglect of precautions and care qualified as necessary and occurs when despite having the knowledge it is not applied and harm is caused to the patient.

Now, although the Medicine degree is too extensive and complete, there are also some subjects that are not part of the study plan but should. All those related to the legal part and the defense of doctors are necessary and should be offered to all students.

With this in mind, there is an authority that all health professionals should know and it is the National Commission of Medical Arbitration (Conamed). It was created in 1996 and its objective has been to help protect the right to health protection, as well as to improve the quality of the provision of medical services.

As part of your job, promotes and promotes a good relationship, dignified treatment, values, adherence to the medical lex artis and ethics in the doctor-patient relationship. It also focuses on helping to resolve conflicts between doctors and patients and is also the body that investigates alleged irregularities in the provision of medical services and issues opinions, agreements and awards.

Why are complaints against doctors generated?

Based on all of the above, the Conamed shared that there are five main reasons why complaints against doctors and health professionals in general occur.

Problems in communication with the patient.
Long waiting times, deferral or denial of service.
Lack of material, medicines or medical personnel.
Dissatisfaction due to possible malpractice, negligence or lack of skill.
Mistreatment or lack of respect.

What are the requirements for the admission of a medical complaint?

In accordance with the stipulation, all complaints must be submitted to Conamed personally by the patient or through an authorized person. To do this, either verbally or in writing, they must contain the following:

Names, telephone numbers and full addresses of the patient, of the person submitting the complaint and of the medical unit or service provider to whom you are complaining. A brief description of the facts that are the reason for the complaint indicating: what happened, where it happened, how it happened, when it happened, who is the provider of the service or medical unit, what is the reason for the complaint, what is your request to the provider of the service you are complaining about and if you present it in writing, your original signature and, if this is impossible, your fingerprint. A copy of the appointment card where the patient’s affiliation or registration number appears, when the complaint is against public institutions that assign a social security or registration number to patients. What is your conciliatory request towards the service provider of whom you complain.
In the event that the patient is not the one filing the complaint and someone else does, request guidance on how to prove representation. With what document can they represent the patient, since, depending on the case, it can be: simple power of attorney with a copy of the identifications of all the signatories, copy of the birth certificate, marriage certificate, power of attorney, guardianship testimony, executor or will. For an adequate and personalized analysis of your case, a simple, legible copy of identification with photograph and signature will be added to the complaint, a simple copy of the documents that prove the doctor-patient relationship, which are related to medical care and that support the facts stated, for example: notes, medical prescriptions, appointment cards, hospital discharge sheets, clinical summary, laboratory test results, invoices, receipts, payment vouchers and any document that can help in the analysis of the case.

Also read:

The main reasons for medical negligence lawsuits in Mexico in 2022

When does a medical complaint to Conamed proceed?

Conamed in statistics: Total complaints received during 2022

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