Maintaining quality of life in Kidney Cancer

by time news

2023-06-15 08:26:14

World Kidney Cancer Day is commemorated every third Thursday in June. This year focuses on maintaining quality of life during the disease process and its subsequent recovery

Día Mundial del Cáncer de Riñón: mantener la calidad de vidaImage provided by ABEX Excellence Robotics

In this edition, maintaining quality of life and talking about how to live with kidney cancer are fundamental objectives of this commemorative date.

World Kidney Cancer Day is an initiative of the International Kidney Cancer Coalition, which has been commemorated since 2017 with the aim of giving visibility to this tumor.

Worldwide, 400,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and 170,000 people die each year from this disease.

In Spain, according to the 2023 report on cancer from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), 8,626 cases are expected, 5,924 in men and 2,702 in women.

The importance of maintaining quality of life during the pathology process and in its subsequent recovery are the central messages in this edition.

In addition to regularly attending specialist consultations and following medical treatments, people with kidney cancer can carry out other actions to improve their quality of life, says the National Federation of Associations for the fight against kidney diseases ALCER .

Among them, talking about the disease with family and friends, attending a specific self-help group and putting into practice healthy lifestyle habits such as responsible eating and being physically active.

Kidney cancer and quality of life

Daniel Gallego, president of ALCER, stresses that the commemoration of this Day means “giving visibility to the second cause of mortality in Spain, cancer, only behind cardiovascular diseases.”

Gallego reports that kidney cancer has increased significantly in recent years, “so we must educate the population about prevention, with healthy lifestyles, and early detection in order to address it on time. Once diagnosed, it is key to be able to share and reflect all the emotions that accompany learning that you have kidney cancer in order to continue having a good quality of life”.

Share it with those close to you

MOOSE stresses that the person who has this tumor should share their situation with those close to them, family and friends, and let them help them, both for the good of the person affected and for theirs.

Like most cancers, kidney cancer is caused by mutations that occur in cells over time.

There are risk factors that should be avoided:

  • No Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
  • Control overweight and obesity: Being overweight and obese are associated with an increased risk of kidney cancer, which is why it is necessary to follow a healthy diet.
  • control blood pressure: High blood pressure increases the risk of kidney cancer.

Robotic surgery for kidney cancer

The company ABEX Excelencia Robotica has joined the commemoration of World Kidney Cancer Day with the purpose of disseminating information on the use of the da Vinci surgical system as a surgical alternative to control and eradicate oncological renal tumors in a minimally invasive manner.

To this end, the company has had the collaboration of Dr. Miguel Sánchez Encinas, head of the Urology service at the Rey Juan Carlos University Hospital, to publicize the benefits of robotic surgery in the treatment of this type of cancer.

In Spain and Portugal during 2022, 50% of surgical interventions with da Vinci have been performed by urologists in cases of prostate and kidney pathologies.

In Spain and Portugal during 2022, 50% of surgical interventions with da Vinci have been performed by urologists in cases of prostate and kidney pathologies. Among the urological cases, 12 percent were kidney surgery.

“Today -explains Dr. Sánchez Encinas- surgery assisted by the da Vinci robotic system is the most advanced treatment to eradicate kidney cancer. It is a state-of-the-art, minimally invasive surgical technique that provides multiple benefits for both the patient and the surgeon, since it allows larger and more complex tumors to be addressed than with laparoscopic surgery.”

Image from the IKCC Kidney Cancer Campaign 2019, ‘We need to talk’

#Maintaining #quality #life #Kidney #Cancer

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