Maintenance and care of the greenery, even a flowering oleander (already quite tall) among the “weeds” that the Municipality does not cut

by time news

READERS’ REPORTS – In Piazza dello Zerbino, in Castelletto, the tree you see in the photo is growing thriving. Definitely the best thing you can see on that sidewalk where there are also bottles and other waste that Walter, the author of the photo, says have been there on the ground for at least a week. But the record for resistance goes to some writings on the wall, which have remained at least since 2019

Maintenance and care of the greenery, even a flowering oleander (already quite tall) among the “weeds” that the Municipality does not cut

The rush to cut down trees everywhere, less diligence in cutting weeds. The oleander that sticks its roots into the sidewalk is a sign of nature that resists. As tall as it is, it has resisted for at least a couple of years. But, it seems, its roots stuck in the pavement do not worry the councilor for Aster and Maintenance Mauro Avvenente as much as the trees in Piazza dei Cappuccini, officially condemned to death, in the city council, only because – precisely – their roots raise the pavement.

All around the oleander there are “real” weeds, as well as various garbage that Walter, the author of the photo, swears has been there for at least a week. All just a few meters from the prestigious Villa Lo Zerbino.

There are some writings on the wall behind the resilient oleander. Some of them appear in the Google Maps image taken in April 2019: below you can see the screen. In short, there are “critical trees” that are tolerated and others that are not tolerated. And there is degradation that remains, evidently less urgent than chainsaws.

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