Major Resignation in SYRIZA: Othon Iliopoulos Steps Down to Support Stefanos Kasselakis’ Representation of Greeks Abroad

by time news

Significant developments have emerged in SYRIZA ‌during the summer, ⁣as Othon Iliopoulos has submitted his resignation as a member of parliament for the party via a ⁤letter to the ⁤President of the Hellenic Parliament.

In his letter, Mr. Iliopoulos emphasizes:

“I hope that my‌ resignation will not deprive my fellow expatriates of their opportunity for representation,‌ as ⁢I step down in favor ⁣of the elected President of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis. This reflects the aspirations of thousands of‌ SYRIZA voters abroad who​ desire their⁤ voice in the Greek Parliament to be represented by one of their own.”

While the entry of Stefanos Kasselakis into ⁤Parliament necessitates a domino effect of⁣ resignations, given that the SYRIZA⁢ president is currently ranked ninth on the‌ state ballot, Mr. Iliopoulos’s intention‌ is clear.

Sources report that​ Popi⁣ Tsapanidou is likely ‍to take ‍over Othon Iliopoulos’s​ position.

Othon ‍Iliopoulos’s Letter

In the 2023⁣ elections, Alexis Tsipras entrusted ⁤me⁤ with the lead position on the SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance state ballot‍ as ‍a representative of ​the expatriate Greek community.

In this role, I had ​the responsibility to defend in the Hellenic ⁢Parliament SYRIZA’s⁢ vision for ‍a democratic‍ and​ socially just Greece.

I actively participated in discussions regarding the proposed electoral law, advocating for immediate voting and candidacy‌ rights for expatriate Greeks. We believed that ‍their votes should not be simply⁤ “lent” to Greek political parties.

I⁣ also actively participated in discussions on education sector reforms, ⁣arguing ‍for the ​strengthening⁣ of public and free education, research funding transparency, and the modernization of programs.

I have deeply mourned and‌ continue to lament the collapse⁤ of the public healthcare system. I have proposed specific measures for a comprehensive and holistic⁣ public healthcare program.

Through my parliamentary work ⁣and research, I‌ have collaborated on numerous occasions, submitting questions, engaging in public dialogues,⁢ and⁢ contributing ‌to television ‌and print media discussions. ⁢I ⁣also worked with the SYRIZA Secretariat for Expatriate Hellenism to develop positions reflecting the concerns of our compatriots ​abroad regarding language learning, Greek-speaking education, and cultural‌ connection.

I have fulfilled my parliamentary duties with enthusiasm and dedication while ‍continuing my research career. I lead a specialized ⁢clinic and manage a laboratory funded ‍by the US National Institutes of Health, working to discover new cancer ⁤therapies.

However, the‍ evolving political landscape and ‌the defense ⁢of citizens’ rights require a more‌ sustained presence in Greece.

Faced‍ with these challenges and mindful of my responsibilities, I hereby resign from my position ‌as a state member⁢ of ‍parliament.

The ‌SYRIZA-PS state ballot in‍ the 2023‍ elections featured prominent figures from the political and​ social ⁤spheres. My fellow candidates, both inside and outside Parliament, continue to‍ fight for a modern and​ just Greece.

I hope that ‌my resignation will not‌ deprive my ⁣fellow⁤ expatriates ⁣of their representation, as I step‌ down in favor of the elected President of SYRIZA, Stefanos⁢ Kasselakis. This reflects the aspirations of thousands of SYRIZA voters abroad who desire their voice in the Greek Parliament to be represented by one of their own.

I remain ⁣a committed member of the​ SYRIZA⁤ PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE Central Committee​ and will continue to fight ‍for a democratic socialist society, both in Greece and abroad.

Thank you for your ‍support during my time in Parliament.

Read the ‍full letter⁣ from Iliopoulos here.

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