Make the Beninese judicial system efficient

by time news

2023-10-06 00:26:40

Views: 42

Initiated by the Ministry of Justice and Legislation, the conference on the modernization of justice in Benin opened this Thursday, October 5, 2023 at the convention center in Cotonou. Over two days, this scientific meeting will allow actors in the judicial system, civil society, academics and partners to discuss and engage around the crucial issues of modernizing the Beninese judicial system.

The Minister of Justice, Yvon Detchenou giving his speech

What is important : Nearly 1,200 actors including magistrates, lawyers, notaries, clerks, bailiffs, judicial police and administrative officers have gathered since yesterday at the convention center in Cotonou to discuss the ills that undermine their sector, in order to identify avenues allowing organize, accentuate and move forward in the modernization of justice. Discussions in the various plenary sessions and workshops will focus on 13 themes linked to criminal justice, minors, social, administrative and commercial justice in correlation with the digitalization of procedures, access to justice, ethics and professionalization. At the end of the work, the participants will propose actions which could be implemented in a strategy to be implemented for the well-being of Beninese justice.

Who were present : The official start of the work saw the presence of the Minister of Justice, Yvon Detchenou and several of his colleagues, notably the ministers Adidjatou Mathys, Véronique Tognifodé, Raphaël Akotègnon, Salimane Karimou, Yves Kouaro Chabi and the presidents of the Constitutional Court, Professor Dorothé Sossa and that of the Supreme Court, Victor Dassi Adossou the former president of the Constitutional Court, Joseph Djogbénou.

What the actors say : Welcoming the participants, the president of the organizing committee, William Kodjo-Kpakpassou recalled the context in which the work of this conference takes place before specifying that it aims to think of justice in terms of modernization. According to him, stakeholders will see how the digital revolution will impact the justice sector for the betterment of litigants. Because justice plays a vital role in society by ensuring respect for the law and the protection of citizens’ rights. This is why the Minister of Justice, Yvon Detchenou, was delighted with the organization of this conference. For him, the destiny of a nation is indissolubly linked to the quality of its judicial system. “He is the ultimate guarantor of the rights and freedoms of citizens. It is important that no one be oppressed without reason. He is the pillar on which the people’s confidence rests,” he insisted. The modernization of justice by adapting to the challenges of the 21st century with the integration of technological advances to better serve citizens is of paramount importance for the government. “It is an absolute necessity,” Minister Yvon Detchenou also said before continuing, “we must rethink our procedures, our tools and our practices to be able to respond to the challenges of our time to provide quality justice “.

Partial view of participants during the launch of the work

Moreover : Minister Yvon Detchenou also welcomed the decisive actions already undertaken by the government, among others, the consolidation of the legislative arsenal, the implementation of a double degree of jurisdiction in criminal matters, the creation of the training school for judicial professions, the expansion of the judicial map, the implementation of online services, the creation of new jurisdictions such as commercial courts, CRIET, the Special Court of Land Affairs participates in the effective will to guarantee respect for the laws in a clear and enforced manner to have a prosperous nation.


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