Make this delicious post-workout without spending on protein powder: define your silhouette

by time news

2023-10-20 22:43:53

And proper eating plan is one of the main factors for increase muscle mass when exercising, if you are in phase the bulk. Although protein is a supplement that helps achieve our goal, it does not mean that we should spend thousands of pesos to define our silhouette; can prepare a post-workout without protein powder.

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What is a post-workout and what is it for?

And post-workout o post-workout It is the food or supplement we consume after performing a work out; Its goal is to help the body recover effectively after the training. In this way, it is possible to maximize the benefits so that all the effort at the gym is worth it.

In addition to proteins, which help repair and muscle growtha good post-workout It should have carbohydrates to replenish glucose levels, as well as healthy fats to provide energy and help in the absorption of certain vitamins, according to a description article published by Journal of the International Society of Sports.

Although some people choose to take supplements such as protein shakes, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAS), creatine or glutamine after the training to speed up recovery, the truth is that they usually have a high cost and we cannot always acquire them when giving priority to other expenses.

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Post-workout benefits

consume some post-workout not only helps accelerate muscle recovery after exercising, since after an intense routine, the muscles end up fatigued and the fibers break due to the Muscular hypertrophy. Therefore, it is essential to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild muscle tissues.

He post-workout replenishes the energy spent in the gym, since when we exercise, the body uses glucose and glycogen as a source of energy. Consume a post-workout helps replenish these levels for future workouts.

On the other hand, control your appetite to avoid feeling of intense appetite after exercising, which could lead us to overeat.

When should you consume post-workout?

The most recommended is consume post-workout in a time frame between the first 30 minutes to 2 hours after the training session, since the muscles are more receptive to nutrients at that time.

Photo: iStock

What can I eat post-workout?

If you want to make your effort in the gym worthwhile, but you don’t want to start with supplements just yet because you prefer more natural options, then you can consume one of the following post-workout foods:

Protein Shake with Fruit – Helps provide protein and quick carbohydrates. Grilled Chicken – Contains lean protein and is an excellent source of amino acids. Turkey – A lean source of protein that is low in fat. Fish – Salmon, Tuna, Tilapia , are some fish rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for muscle recovery. Egg: one of the superfoods, a complete source of protein that has essential amino acids. Greek yogurt: it is rich in protein and also provides beneficial probiotics for digestion.Oats: has carbohydrates that provide energy and fiber, while proteins help in muscle recovery.Quinoa: an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and proteins, in addition to being rich in nutrients.Nuts and seeds: almonds, Walnuts, chia and flax seeds are good sources of healthy fats and proteins. Fruits: both bananas, apples and berries are fruits rich in carbohydrates and antioxidants.

Photo: iStock

How to make a post-workout without protein powder?

Make a snack to consume post-training It is not difficult at all; For example, you can eat a bowl of Greek yogurt with fruit and oatmeal. It doesn’t take you even five minutes to prepare and it’s delicious:

You will need to:

Four tablespoons of Greek yogurt, one diced apple, one sliced ​​banana, one or two teaspoons of granola and honey to taste.

Preparation mode:

The only thing you have to do is mix the ingredients perfectly until they are integrated and that’s it. Consume within the first two hours after your work out to help muscle repair and growth.

As you can see, Preparing a post-workout snack is easy, quick and economical. Now that you know why it is important to consume it, do not hesitate to follow our recommendations. Let’s define that silhouette!

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