Makeup: what you have to take into account to protect your health

by time news

2024-01-22 08:00:00

Makeup is part of the routine of many people in Spain. It is as natural as washing your hair or face or even choosing the clothes we are going to wear; and yet, we often lose sight of the fact that these are fundamentally products that we apply to the skin or to very sensitive areas such as the eyes and mouth.

Therefore, it never hurts to take a few things into account when choosing makeup to protect these delicate areas of the body. This is explained by Estefanía Hurtado Gómez (professor of the master’s degree in Dermopharmacy at the Miguel Hernández University), Isabel González-Álvarez (tenured professor of the degree in Pharmacy at the Miguel Hernández University) and Marta González Álvarez (professor of the master’s degree in Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics at the Miguel Hernández University) in an article published in the media The Conversationin which they remember that these elements must be chosen “taking into account age, skin type, phototype, sensitivity, elasticity, degree of hydration, the possibility of suffering from allergies and other parameters.”

Be careful with harmful products

Thus, we must take into account that areas like these act as a kind of ‘entrance doors’ to our body, “without a stratum corneum that makes penetration difficult.” Similarly, there is some risk of inhalation from products applied around the nose.

In fact, some makeup products include, in the form of impurities or traces (and therefore, not in the list of ingredients) substances of documented toxicity, such as heavy metals. The authors cite a report published in the specialized magazine Regulatory Toxicology & Pharmacology which accounts for the detection of materials such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, mercury and nickel. They even say, “There is some alarm with certain compounds, such as lead in some lip gloss or the high concentration of nickel, chromium and cobalt identified in certain eye shadows, some of them imported from China.”

Similarly, there is concern about the presence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), additives that increase durability, improve the spread of an emulsion and have the ability to form a film. There is recent evidence that has begun to link repeated exposure to these products with certain health risks; and, finally, the recent incorporation of nanomaterials in many formulations may imply a certain risk of inhalation, without it being very clear what the possible implications for health are.

Pay attention to your individual characteristics

In addition to avoiding products that may contain harmful substances, as we pointed out, some individual characteristics should be taken into consideration when choosing one makeup product or another. For example, adolescents and young people may have oilier skin than older adults, so the use of certain substances can worsen dermatological conditions such as acne. Here the simplest option is to use hypoallergenic, unscented and oil-free products.

The researchers advise whenever possible to choose products from Europe due to the demanding regulations; and an additional precaution would be to reject those that are advertised as long lasting or labeled as water or weather resistant.

Finally, as general rules, it is recommended to look for specific products for those with sensitive skin, thereby reducing the risk of reactions appearing, and avoiding the continued application of cosmetic products as much as possible.


Estefanía Hurtado Gómez, Isabel González-Álvarez and Marta González Álvarez. Lights and shadows: what to take into account before buying and putting on makeup. The Conversation (2024). Consulted online at on January 18, 2024.

Beatrice Bocca, Anna Pino, Alessandro Alimonti, Giovanni Forte. Toxic metals contained in cosmetics: A status report. Regulatory Toxicology & Pharmacology (2014). DOI:

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