Making a children’s garden – 30+ inspiration for children’s play paradise

by time news

A nice children’s garden has a mix of ‘ready-made’ toys and natural materials. Because experience shows that it is precisely this natural piece that can also have a considerable appeal to young children.

Just think of playing with sand and water, for example, what child wouldn’t want that? So if you are going to set up a children’s garden, think of the mix of both for hours of fun. In this blog we would like to show you the possibilities to create a wonderful play paradise for your kids.

Why a kindergarten?

Children like to play, but it is not always easy to find a place where they can romp safely. Most gardens are not child-friendly.

A children’s garden is quite a challenge, but with these tips and tricks you can be sure that it will be a success. In this article you can read exactly how you can create a children’s garden that meets all safety requirements and that your children can enjoy all year round.

A children’s garden full of toys and natural materials

This is how you make a cool children’s garden.

1. Plenty of play space for your children

If you have children, you naturally want them to be able to play safely in the garden. A children’s garden full of toys and natural materials is a good solution. But what should you keep in mind when creating such a garden?

2. Natural materials as a base

A children’s garden full of toys and natural materials starts with the basics: the garden substrate. Hard pavement can cause nasty bruises if children fall.

A softer surface is therefore recommended. Consider, for example, rubber tiles in the garden under the playground equipment and in any case sufficient grass.

Limit the terrace only to the place where you want to put your garden furniture so that you do not have too much paving and your children’s garden becomes a child-friendly environment.

In any case, also take into account the European standard for safety.

3. Play equipment and toys

A children’s garden is of course not complete without play equipment and toys. Think, for example, of a cool playground with chestnut poles and a dike where children can hide behind.

But even a simple sandbox can provide hours of fun. Make sure that the playground equipment is sturdy and meets the safety requirements.

4. Security and Adjustments

Safety is of course the most important thing in a children’s garden. It is therefore smart if the garden is properly closed, so that children cannot just walk into the neighborhood. This is of course especially true for young children.

Also avoid poisonous flowers, such as foxglove, in the garden. And if there are dangerous plants nearby, explain to your children that they are not allowed to touch them.

5. Garden maintenance and enjoyment in the children’s garden

A children’s garden full of toys and natural materials does require some extra garden maintenance. For example, the garden substrate can crack over time and must be replaced.

But once you have laid everything out properly, it is wonderful to enjoy the garden together with your children. Warm up by a campfire during the colder days and enjoy the energy and enthusiasm of your children who want to discover the garden every day.

Outdoor toys for the children in your garden

Of course we have the necessary tips for you that will complete the children’s garden for your children.

If you have children, you know how important it is to let them play outside and enjoy the fresh air. Here are some ideas for kid-friendly outdoor toys in your garden.

1. A swing for hours of fun

A swing is a classic outdoor toy that never goes out of style. You can opt for a simple swing or a complete climbing frame with swing and slide.

If you don’t have much space, you can also choose a swing with a divider, so that your children can sit separately and still swing together.

2. A trampoline for the ultimate jumping experience

A trampoline is a great way to entertain your kids and keep them active at the same time. A must-have in your children’s garden.

There are many different models to choose from, from tiny tots to colossal models that can entertain the entire neighborhood. If you have a limited budget, you can also choose a second-hand trampoline.

Make sure that the trampoline is safe and that it is not accessible when you are not at home. You never know what could happen.

3. A sandbox for creative play

A sandbox is a great way to get your kids to dig, build and play with their imaginations.

You can make a simple sandbox by placing a few planks on their sides in a square and filling them with sand. Or you can buy a ready-made copy, which is also possible.

If you have a little more space, you can also make a complete pallet house in which your children can play and hide.

4. A football goal for sporting activities

If your children love football, a football goal is an indispensable outdoor toy in your children’s garden.

You can opt for a simple model or a complete climbing frame with football goal and slide. If you don’t have much space, you can also choose a soccer goal that you can swap with other playground equipment.

At least try to set up the soccer goal in your children’s garden in such a way that the children do not have to shoot towards your house. Preferably, you let them shoot from the house towards a target, so that your windows at least remain intact and you do not have to take out extra glass insurance.

5. A tipi tent for a cozy chill out spot

A teepee tent is a great way to give your kids a cozy place to chill and read. You can make a simple tepee tent by sticking a few sticks in the ground and placing a blanket and pillows inside.

If you have a little more space, you can also make a complete hut in which your children can play and hide.

These natural materials are great for your children’s garden

But as mentioned, a children’s garden is only really cool if natural materials are also used. It stimulates the imagination and ensures that children themselves get more ‘in the game’.

1. Mud bath and barefoot pad

Kids love to get dirty and play with mud. A mud bath in the children’s garden is therefore a great way to let them play and discover.

In addition, a barefoot path is also a nice addition to the garden. Lay out different materials such as sand, gravel, grass and shells for the children to walk on and feel.

2. Hut and climbing wall in the children’s garden

A sturdy hut in the garden is a great place for children to hide and play. For example, use chestnut poles to make a frame and cover it with branches and leaves. Or work with willow branches. And of course you prefer to build this together with your children.

In addition, a climbing wall is also a fun challenge for children. Shezaf, a designer of children’s gardens, has even designed a special climbing wall for this.

You can find more ideas for a child-friendly garden here.

3. Plants and vegetable garden

Let children help plant flowers, seeds and bulbs in the garden. It’s a fun way to show them how plants grow and bloom. In addition, it is also nice to start a vegetable garden where children can see their own vegetables grow.

For example, put a sign next to each plant with the name on it, so they immediately learn which vegetables grow where and the children’s garden also becomes a bit educational.

4. Bird watching

Make the garden attractive to birds by, for example, hanging birdhouses and placing feeders. In addition, it is also nice to plant a field with flowers that attract butterflies and bees. This way children can learn about nature and animals in a fun way.

Safe materials in the children’s garden

It is important to provide safe materials in the children’s garden. Make sure there are no sharp edges or splinters and that the materials are strong enough. In addition, it is also important to regularly check the garden for possible dangers.

With these natural materials you can turn your children’s garden into a great place to discover every day where children can play.

Short resume

A children’s garden that consists of sufficient outdoor toys in combination with natural materials has the best of both sides. They are pulled out by toys such as a trampoline or a swing.

But all the play projects made of natural materials keep them entertained for hours and you also have an educational element.

Hi, welcome to lifestyle blog MamsatWork. I am Joyce, content creator and internet entrepreneur, married and mother of an adolescent and a teenager.

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