Malibu Mayor Slams City’s Preferential Treatment for Kourtney Kardashian’s Poosh Brand Event

by time news

Malibu Mayor Criticizes City for Granting Expedited Permit to Kardashian Event at Private Home

Malibu Mayor Bruce Silverstein took to social media platform Facebook on Saturday to express his disappointment with the city’s handling of an event organized by Kourtney Kardashian’s Poosh brand in his neighborhood. In a strongly worded post titled “City of Malibu Continues to Place Celebrities and the Uber Wealthy Over Residents: City Staff Sells Out to Kardashians and Grants Emergency Expedited Permit for Large Event in a Vacant Single-Family Home in Private Neighborhood,” Silverstein criticized the preferential treatment given to celebrities when it comes to obtaining permits, while regular residents face delays and untimely responses from city officials.

Silverstein clarified that his concern was not about the event being held in his neighborhood, but rather the city’s immediate response to a complaint and their subsequent grant of a permit that had been overlooked for the celebrity soirée. Expressing his disappointment, the mayor wrote, “Not a good look for the city. Although it is a great ad to non-residents who want to come here and destroy the residents’ peaceful enjoyment of their homes.”

The mayor’s criticism of the city’s treatment of celebrities and the privileged class has sparked a debate among Malibu residents. Many sympathize with Silverstein’s concerns, stating that it is unfair for the city to prioritize the needs of the wealthy and famous over those of regular residents. They argue that everyone should be treated equally when it comes to permit processes and that the city should focus on addressing residents’ concerns promptly.

However, there are also some who believe that hosting events by high-profile figures like the Kardashians can bring positive attention and economic benefits to the city. These residents argue that granting expedited permits to celebrities helps promote Malibu as an attractive destination for tourism and encourages further investments.

The controversy surrounding the Kardashian event has highlighted the ongoing debate over the influence and privileges enjoyed by celebrities in the picturesque city of Malibu. As residents demand fairness and transparency in the permitting process, it remains to be seen if any changes will be made to ensure equal treatment for all, regardless of their fame or fortune.

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